Chapter 16

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“Britt, last 15 minutes and your shift’s off.” Sam whispers into my ear as I scribble this old lady’s order.

Its 15 minutes before 5 and still, people are passing like we’re in a subway. “Thank God.” I sighed, giving him a quick look before asking the old lady to proceed in the register.

“Next please.” I yelled not even looking at the next person in line which in return I just heard a small giggle. “Are you gonna order or not?” I asked, still looking at the empty piece of paper and I still got no response. I took in a deep breath, thinking that this person might be still looking for the perfect coffee to have at 5 in the afternoon.

A week passed in a swift motion, well more of like a tornado right in front of me. I’ve been living with Santana for a week, sleeping with her on the same bed –well, not sleeping… sleeping… just sleeping, literally. She even started to fetch me at work and we’d head home together like a real couple. It sounds cheesy, but it does goes like that. It’s actually refreshing to actually have someone like that, even Tina and Rachel may have tackled me for like a hundredth time for acting so much like this, but what can I do? I have to deal with all these, for 9 months actually.

“Okay. One Caramel Macchiato, please.”  That voice used to make my stomach do backflips and those butterflies to turn into dragons. Used to.  And right now, my brows just knitted.

Slowly, my head lifts up and I was greeted with deep brown eyes and a set of perfect teeth smiling at me. “Miranda? Hi. What are you doing here?” I asked almost automatically when the reality just hit me.

“To get a Caramel Macchiato.” She shrugged, pointing onto the menu board.

“Right, sorry.” I shook my head, with that smile still plastered on my lips as I scribble her order.

“Make it two actually. I just heard you’re off within 15 minutes, so I wouldn’t mind waiting.” She grinned before stepping out of the line, and without second thought I gave her a small nod. And I really don’t know why I just did that.



Santana’s going to be here within 15 minutes and oh my god! Looking back at the moment they met was not a very good scenario, Santana almost breathed fire for Christ sake, and I can’t let that happen again. God no!

Just no!

“Two blueberry scones and –Hey!”  I didn’t even let the blonde girl finish her order and I just spun around, grabbing Sam on the hem of his shirt before shoving him right in front of the customers.

“Cover me for the last 5 minutes, please. Thank you.” I pleaded one last time, running inside the stock room and I think I just heard Sam yelling ‘You could’ve just asked me, Britt.’

All I know is that, my heart began pounding almost echoing inside my ear and so is my palm started sweating. “What am I gonna do?” I mumbled to myself when I managed to close the door behind me, my head resting on the wooden door.

Santana can’t see Miranda, that’s for one, not even a strand of her hair.

“Okay.” I chanted all over and over again, fishing out my phone and dialling Santana’s phone number almost hastily. And even the lightest whisper of my thumb against the screen of my phone was like an explosion inside me.

When the first call went straight to her voicemail, I wanted to like scream and throw tantrum everywhere, because who knows if she’s on her way here and yes I’m dead. “Fuck.” I sighed frustratingly as I dialled for the second time, my feet tapping on the cold cemented floor.

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