Chapter 22

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“What do you need?”

“Well, I’ve missed you too Santana.”

“Seriously Quinn, what are you doing here?“ I asked with a quirk brow, watching this blonde head walking on her toes across my office. “I’m working.”

“Ohh.. We’re feisty aren’t we?” She smirked, dropping her purse on one of the seats by the corner. “And no, you’re not working and I definitely know that document right there is empty.” She smiled before taking the seat in front of me eyeing the computer.

I closed my eyes as a response, taking a deep breath, and yes Quinn was always right. I’ve been sitting here for above 3 hours and i haven’t written anything but my name on the upper left corner and I’m really not sure as to why though, it’s just I can’t remove Brittany off of my head.

It’s actually scary if you ask me.

Brittany and I had sex.  And Jesus, I thought that it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. I was wrong, obviously.

“I missed my best friend. Is that a crime?” she giggled waking me up in my paralyze state and I can’t help but roll my eyes.

“We saw each other just this morning.” I retorted matter-of-factly. “Didn’t we?” I added taking off my glasses, throwing her a better look.

“Yes, and you barely smiled at me.” Quinn subtly gasped, looking offended.

“I don’t smile.” I retorted, adjusting my seat.

“Of course you don’t.” She muttered mockingly, laughing.

I pursed my lips into a thin line waiting for Quinn to talk… “…so?”

I can barely count the minutes that has passed that Quinn and I have been starring at each other very very intensely. “Seriously Q, what do you ne-“

My words caught by the tip of my tongue when                she took a deep breath before looking at me seriously. “.. d-do you need?” I continued, looking at her more thoroughly. “This is about him, isn’t it?” I asked accusingly.

Quinn bit her lip before tucking her hair behind her ear and I know for sure I am correct. “How would you know that?” She throws the question back at me, faking a laugh.

“Well because, first, you never come here unless you need something that is business related and after that you just get out that door as if like you don’t know me. Second, is when you just wanted to fucking annoy me and right now you don’t really look like you’re about to fucking annoy me. And most lastly is when you’re in need of crying your eyeballs out because of your boy toy.” I said without even blinking. “Quinn, I love you and I totally support you trying to kill yourself by marrying that guy but still I might as well do something before that happens.”

“Fine.” She sighed finally, her lips twitching to the side. And I can’t stop the heavy breath that escaped my lungs as I watched that familiar glint in her eyes.

My voice went out quick and harsh. “Spill it.”

Quinn and Mitch has been engaged for over a year now, at first I thought he was really sweet and gentleman so without a fight I actually allowed him to have my best friend. But then, there is always this one time that’ll make you realize that there is nobody that is made to be perfect.

Mitch is the typical so-perfectly-gorgeous-with-a-nice-tie-type-of-guy, law graduate from Harvard at top of his class and also gives off the vibe of I-have-a-perfect-family-you-never-mess-with-me. Actually, if I was Quinn I could have died out of boredom in the first two months of our relationship and I just can’t.

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