Chapter 17

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The insides of my eyelids scratch and scrape like sandpaper as I peel them open, closing it almost immediately when the harsh light hit my eyeballs and that loud groan escaping my lips along with the memories of last night flashing inside my head.

I kissed her because I needed to.

My lips felt like they in flames the moment my lips met hers and even the coldest raindrops hitting the corner of my face seemed to dissolve in just a split second, my hands flying on either side of her hips as I try to keep myself upright for sinking into the ground any of this moment is just inevitable. The way the tips of her fingers tightened on the very fine hairs of my neck was nearly painful and yet I couldn’t remember feeling this sated for a very long time –All I know was that I don’t want to stop. But when the tip of her tongue brushed ever so lightly on my lower lip, I was thrown back to reality, harder than ever.

“I’m sorry.” Those words escaped my mouth breathily, pulling away. I really don’t know if she was able to hear those words when another roar escaped the sky. Santana let her eyes open, her lips slightly sore from all those kissing and those raindrops still freely rolling down her cheeks.

She bit her lower lip before connecting our eyes once again, I really don’t know if I was about to have a panic attack when she cupped my cheeks making sure I’ll never pull my eyes off of hers. Her fingertips flaming beneath my skin in every second that has passed and just in time another grumbling from the sky echoed all throughout the place, Santana opened her mouth.

And I’m pretty sure there’s no going back for the next minute.

“Just shut up for one minute.” And this time, it’s her time to take my breath away.

“Breakfast is ready!” That’s what brought me back to reality, realizing that I got my fingers tracing my lower lip. Would it sound weird that I would say that I could still feel Santana’s lips moving against mine? That that amazing fucking breath of hers still somehow hitting my upper lip? And the way her fingers made those small circles against my jaw line is still making my head spin?

Would it be weird if I’d say that I wanted to kiss her again? And just never stop?

“Brittany!” Yea. Maybe it’ll sound weird.

It sounds amazing in my head though.

With a deep breath I let my feet fling to the side before finally making my way downstairs, my balled fist rubbing onto my eyes with my feet making the lowest whisper against the marbled floor.

That smile automatically lingered on my lips when I sighted Santana playing with the chocolate syrup as she stabs her pancake. I softly cleared my throat when I managed to enter the kitchen, Santana’s eyes widen but was shortly changed with the unfamiliar glow in her eyes and that shy smile etching on her lips.

It actually resembles the smile she gave me when she pulled away from that mind blowing kiss last night and it literally made my heart flutter. Though, she never said a word after that instead she tugged inside her car before driving home.

“Good morning.” Santana smiled against the rim of her cup, eyeing me playfully.

“Morning. That smells good.” I commented with a grin, crossing my arms over my chest as I took the seat across hers.

“It’s Quinn’s recipe and she likes to call it Pancake ala Quinn.” She counters with hand gestures, wiggling her brows. “Which I’d say that it’s just full of blueberry and maple syrup.” She added which made me supress a giggle before taking a bite.

“It’s good. But… I like your recipe even better.” I answered, locking our eyes and out nowhere my heart once gain started hammering inside my chest.

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