Chapter 21

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There’s the faint unusual sound invading my senses as I squint my eyes open, the unfamiliar yet sweet addicting scent intensifies the confusion I have been feeling.

Just in time my eyes popped open, black silky sheets, dark green wallpaper… oh fuck.

 “Fuck.” I heard myself whisper and for a split second I felt something warm stirred just below my boobs and I automatically felt the heating up of my cheeks and my throat drying even more.

Swallowing dryly, I closed my eyes for a moment before letting it wander down my lower half and just judging Santana’s bare shoulder almost glimmering under the small shaft of light, the way her arms draped over my stomach, and her fingers fisting the sheets just below my breast almost made me lost my sanity, instantly last night’s memories came rushing through my brain like a thunderstorm, continuously lapping each other. Like a reflex, my eyes closed shut and as expected it didn’t stop the nostalgic feeling of what happened last night.

I can’t stop the shallow intakes of air and I bet the room got a hundred degrees hotter when I felt Santana’s warm breath hitting my collarbone. I can still literally taste her breath in my mouth, her kisses on my lips, and her fingertips flaming on my skin. “Oh god.”

I just had sex with Santana.

With a truckload of willpower I let my fingers slide down my side, and by just the simplest brush of my fingertips against Santana’s made my lady loins sizzle with heat, I mean c’mon just thinking of those things that happened last night, that’s fairly enough to make me fucking wet, again.

God forgive me.

MY fingers were literally trembling when I removed Santana’s arm draped over my stomach and I can just imagine how cute and freaking adorable she looked when she buried her face against where my head has been lying 2 seconds ago.

And for the blanket to ride up a bit, revealing her boobs.


Her boobs.

Did I even suck it last night?

I think I did.

And I did not just think about that.

Humans are easily tempted, fact.

And before my head explode with adult themed things that I did with Santana’s body, I mindlessly grabbed a purple hoodie that has been hanging by the headboard and I can’t help but smile for I can still smell the strawberry scent of Santana’s shampoo on it.

With another deep breath, I managed to exit Santana’s room with my underwear and dress dangling in my hands; I really don’t know where my bra is tho. Judging the way our clothing has been mindlessly scattered on the carpeted floor, I can say that yea; we’ve been pretty wild last night.

Actually no, the word wild does not suffice for the mess that is inside San’s room.

I reflexively shook my head after a minute or two. “What have I done?” I asked myself lowly.

Yes, it was amazing but still it was wrong. I mean it’s like a golden rule that we shouldn’t have sex, right?


I felt the smooth texture of the marble counter against the back of my hand as I gingerly placed my belongings just in time a shaky breath escape my lips. With a short heave I made my way through the coffee maker before taking the empty stool across it, I can even feel the light throbbing of my head as I let my eyes wander the empty kitchen.

I’ve been married almost a month.

With a loud groan I buried my face against my hands, looking for a little sympathy beneath my eyelids.

I thought I have an awesome control with the situation. Jesus!

But I mean, who would say no to those abs? To those boobs? Those lips? Her eyes? Her che-

“Coffee?” I was shortly cut off when I heard cheery voice tumbling from wall to wall.

“Jesus Christ! Where did you come from?” I nearly yelled my hand flying by my chest whilst looking accusingly at Santana who’s holding out a cup of coffee with her right hand and holding hers on the other.

Santana’s brows furrowed innocently and her lips twitched. “Uh? Through the door?” she muttered matter-of-factly, carefully placing the cups of coffee on top of the counter before taking the seat in front of me.

“Then why didn’t I hear you?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

Santana looked at me with a blank expression and I can’t help but hold my breath. “Because you were groaning a minute ago and I even thought you’re about to poop or something.” She said through the rim of her cup. “So I made my way in.” she added before taking a sip.

“Right.” My head bobbed up and down, enveloping the cup with both hands, I never thought I was that cold.

Shouldn’t this be awkward?

It was a whole minute or two of silence and I can’t help but just stare at the cup of coffee before me.

I really don’t know though if Santana can feel any awkwardness right now.

I mean look at her, she’s drinking her coffee as we never had sex last night, as if we just had a cool story telling about dinosaurs or other shits like that.

We need to talk about it. Don’t we? I mean we have to talk about it somehow, why not now, right?

Right. You can do this Brittany.

Though, I can’t believe that Santana is just letting this slide.

With a lot of willpower, I cleared my throat.. and took a sip of my coffee.. and let my fingers run through my hair.. “Uhhh Sant-“

“We’re just drunk.”


“You’re also thinking about it?” I asked, slightly taken aback with her words.

Santana answered, shrugging. “Of course?”

That wasn’t so bad.

At least were beyond the awkward part of this conversation, right? Just a little push and what happened last night is just a beautiful memory.

“Cool.” I retorted, nodding as I adjust my seat. “I mean it’s just sex? Right?” I laughed with some hand gestures.

“Of course! Everybody had sex already.” Santana laughed along, taking another swig of her coffee.

See? There’s nothing to be awkward between us.

“Fuck yes! Sex is just sex. Like I believe that 25% of the population is having sex right now.” I added nonchalantly.

“Touché! Psh! Sex is like next to breathing, right? Like you cum and go! People have sex all the time!”

“True that! People have sex everywhere! We’re pretty lucky that we had sex on a bed right?”

See? This is an awesome conversation.

A very mature one!

“Praise! They tend to have sex on the wall! On the living room or whatever! Even in the elevator! God!”

“Unbelievable! I mean we could actually have sex right now! On this counter!”


And before I can stop it, it came out wrong, very wrong.


“No. We can’t have sex in here.” Santana shook her head, looking at me.

Was this supposed to be awkward?

“Right.” I nodded.


Can this floor just wide open and swallow me whole?

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