Chapter 3

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“Do you even know her?”

“She’s Brittany.”

“Of course you know she’s Brittany, she has the fucking nametag on her fucking chest! Now tell me how come you’re saying that you guys are getting married?”

“It just slipped off. I don’t know anything else to say!”

“You know what- what was your name again?”


“Santana, Brittany is my best friend and I really don’t know what exactly happened but you have to fix this.”

“So you’re her best friend, you’re not her mother. So please just shut the fuck up!”

“No- you shut up!”

“Shut up, the two of you!” I ended up yelling stopping the berating in front of me. 

Santana and Tina has been giving each other glares for like hours now, whilst I sat in front of them my hands securely placed on either side of my head trying to cope up with what the hell was happening. Right after Santana said that, I was startled. Not just startled, I panicked! Santana nudge me on the ribs when I almost yelled causing the confused look from his father. A minute or two of staring contest the man walked away with the loud thudding from the door and yes I almost passed out. Actually I did pass out and when I flutter my eyes open, Tina and Santana started biting each other’s head off. We had the shop close for 3 hours now and Sam and Mercedes are just in the same state as mine- shocked.

“Will you repeat that?” I said lowly my eyes tightly shut.

“I said that if she’s just your best friend she should shut the fuck up.” Santana repeated whilst boring holes on Tina’s head.

“Not that.” I breathed. “You said I’m your… fiancée and were getting married on Monday.” I swallowed dryly at the thought of marrying Santana I mean I like her after all, but hell! I don’t even know her. It’s just a wild crush that started yesterday! Take note of that, yesterday. And right now were about to get married, what the hell is happening?

“Yea. About that…. I’m so sorry, Brittany!” she exclaimed. “It was… I don’t even know what to say.”

I flutter my eyes open and landed on Santana’s brown ones staring right back at me, I can see that it’s full of remorse. And yes, I’m speechless myself.

“I um.. I, Santana-“

“Are you kidding, you announced to everyone that you guys are getting married on Monday and right now you’re saying that you don’t know what else to say? You’re out of your mind. I bet you don’t even know her last name, which is normal because you know her nothing but Brittany - you’re barista.” Tina cut me off and I just closed my eyes composing enough guts to understand what was happening.

“T, will you shut the fudge up!” I yelled gaining everybody’s amazed look, I never yell. But when I thought I caught everybody’s attention. Santana’s cackle rang all throughout the shop, with my brows furrowed I faced her throwing her a confused look and she just shrugged.

“Is that supposed to be shut the fuck up?” she asked innocently. I just shook my head and started fidgeting the hem of my apron.

“So as I was saying, Brittany. I’m so sorry. I was caught up in the situation and you approached me and I thought to myself that this will be the one and only solution for my father to stop messing up with my life by marrying that hideous man, like seriously I never even met him and I’m pretty sure that he’s way beyond hideous.”

“And she’s supposed to care, because?” Tina once again piped in.

“Like seriously? Will you just please shut up!”

“Britt.” Tina called me and I just glared at her. Tell me again as to why Tina’s here? She’s my best friend but if she’ll continue piping like this then I may have to throw her out the door, like literally.

“Can you guys leave us alone, for now?” I pleaded, at first was born stubborn standing two steps away from Santana and when I throw her a balled tissue she ended up following Sam and Mercedes inside the kitchen and I just sighed in relief. Rewinding every single detail Santana said.

“So you’re saying that I have to marry you so that you can’t marry that God knows who.” I asked completely bewildered, that’s what they were talking about and then all of a sudden I was there.

“Exactly.” she nods. And I nodded as well, okay maybe that wasn’t that bad.

And once again it hit me.

“What? I have to marry you? Why? I’m just 24 and I can’t marry you. I’m still planning to go to France and Italy. Maybe I can get marry when I’m already like, I don’t know..  45? Jeez, man.” I rambled.

“And the same goes for me. Brittany, look. I have no idea on as to how I would end this, okay? My father- he’s furious and untamed. I know that he would do everything so that I’ll marry that…. thing. And I won’t let that happen, okay? So I’ll give you a deal and you get to decide. If you’ll say yes, we have to meet my parents by tomorrow because guess what it’s already Friday and as far as I remember I said that were getting married on Monday, we could just stay with each other for like half year and we could have a divorce if you want. And if you say no, then I guess I have to marry that… man. I have to live with him, he’ll be my beard for like forever and what if he hurts me or worst kill me if he’ll know that I’m cheating on him with a girl, because I’m a lesbian after all. Then one day you’ll read on the daily newspaper that one hot Latina was killed by her husband because he found out that she’s gay, then I’ll start hunting you in your sleep, I’ll hide under your bed and I’ll kill you, then we’ll both live happily ever after. How about that?”

I just stared at her, who can say no to that? Tell me.

“What if I said yes?”

“I’ll pay you a billion dollar.” She said nonchalantly.

“You’re kidding.” I laughed. Seriously? Even Bill Gates won’t throw that amount of money.

“I’ll give you the half amount when you said yes. Like right now. Maybe tomorrow? I still have a meeting by 3 this afternoon. So?” she mumbled rummaging inside her pouch where she fished her check book. “I’ll give you a hundred thousand dollar, right now.” She said before scribbling down.

I gulped loudly, is this woman even serious? For sure my hand is shaking and soaked as I clutched the apron between my fingers my knuckles practically white.

“You’re serious.” I breathed. I don’t even know I could comprehend any more. This is way beyond sense overload.

“Thank God, you figure it out. I’m serious, Brittany. I never say this, but I need you.” she said, the last part seemed to get low and muffled. “Here.” She offered the check and with my trembling fingers I held the piece of paper and I’m pretty sure I already swallowed tongue. She’s fucking Santana Marie Lopez, wait who’s Santana Marie Lopez?

“And here’s my phone number. Make sure to call me, okay? I’ve gotta go.” She said getting up on her feet.

“Are you a drug lord or something?”

“What? Don’t worry I am not.”

“Then where did this money came from? And all of the rest that you’ll give me right after the wedding? ”

“Just think of this as a gift from heaven.. if stuffs like that exists. okay?”

I just stare at her and she just rolled her eyes before a heaving a deep sigh and walked away.

“I’m an angel, don’t worry!” she called over her shoulder before she disappeared in the glass door.

Once again my eyes wander the piece of paper, like seriously I can feel that my head is spinning and my chest is burning.

“I’m getting married, oh boy!” I breathed.


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