Chapter 12

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It’s Friday since the last time that I saw Santana, since I heard her voice. And it’s Saturday. God! On the back of my head it felt like years.

Normal lives. Analysing those two words inside my head, it actually sounds pretty appealing and nauseating for me. For all I know, I’m not just the simple Brittany Susan Pierce right now, I happen to be Brittany Susan Lopez-Pierce, considering that I’m married to one Santana Lopez. Santana Lopez who’s paying me a billion dollar just to marry her, be her wife in a short amount of time, 9 months let just be clear.

Last night, I slept with the battle of thoughts inside my head. I wanted to send her a goodnight text, well not a goodnight text, I just wanted to ask her if she went home safe or something like that and yea wish her a goodnight. Then I realized that it’s kinda sweet and weird of me. I just don’t want her thinking that I’m being the clingy type. That’s just awkward and bizarre judging that I’m really not her wife or girlfriend for that matter.

And last night, Santana actually got me thinking. I spent barely 3 weeks listening to her whine about every single thing that she doesn’t like. Once she even told me as to why God made the sky: blue, because according to her that’s just odd and I just shook my head when she again started rambling about the continuous problem of earth, like global warming and some other shits like that, she even blamed Obama. But yesterday, considering that it was just a single day that she hasn’t scowled or made any sarcastic remarks, well maybe one or two. But still, she’s super nice- I wanna puke. I mean, just listing off the things that she did. 1. She took off my shoes. 2. She let me borrow her stuff. 3. She cooked me breakfast. 3. She even met my family and last and the most unusual thing of ‘em all; 4. She hugged me when we parted ways and her voice lightly cracked when she mumbled her last words. It actually made me think that she got some secret agenda going on inside that pretty head of hers, and it kinda scares me, but still, those things may be counted as an improvement. Well maybe she’s starting to like me, because I mean c’mon I like her since the first day and I still kind of like her, maybe?


Maybe I just like her super-hot body. God! The thing I did in her bathroom still haunted me last night. For Christ sake. And the fact that she heard made me wanted to just slit my wrists.

The buzzing of my phone inside my pocket almost made my skin jump, throwing me off my daze. So with an eye roll I managed to set aside the spatula in my hand before fishing out my phone and I automatically frown when anonymous number appeared in a small letters.

Hey Britt. I ran into Shelly this morning and she told me that you just left for Boston with ur wife, and i hope u don’t mind me getting your #. It’s Miranda by the way and i hope we cud talk soon. Take care. Xx


Almost automatically my cheeks heat up and I can’t help but frown a little. I know that Miranda was just trying to catch up but still I don’t want her getting the wrong idea, it’s not that I’m with someone- well technically I am but still I just don’t want any relationship right now or even after Santana’s and I. Maybe a year after that.

I sent her a quick text saying ‘it’s okay and I agree we shud really talk soon.’ And I actually intended not to put any smileys or winky faces just to inform her that I’m serious and not into any flirting. It’s okay because it’s not her fault that she ran into Shelly and the other blonde actually gave her my number and we should really talk soon so that I could clear things up. A sigh escaped my lips when I finally shoved my phone inside my pocket before looking at the stacks of orders Sam just slammed in front of me.

I took a quick glance on the digital clock hanging by the wall. It’s 10:30. Normally hours like this, the shop is still pretty full but judging the amount of school girls chatting on the corner, those jocks that just arrived wiping their sweaty faces by the middle and the same grumpy old man sitting on the other - it’s totally different. I can’t help the slumping of my shoulders when I realized that its 30 minutes before lunch and Santana hasn’t arrived yet, she should be here at exact 9:45.

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