Chapter 22:Something's not right

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I don't get no sleep, I don't get no peace

Thinking about her under your bed sheets

The way that she's whispering, the way that she's pulling you in

Lord knows I've tried, but I can't get her off my mind

-Little Big Town/Harry Styles cover (Girl Crush)


Third pov

Kora couldn't remove herself from the kiss. It was all wrong. She knew it was; they both did. But there was just something...something that kept her there. Maybe it was because she wanted to be loved, or because it was her indirect apology about Valkiria, or she just really wanted to kiss him. She couldn't tell which was which.

'Kora, you need to stop. Stop before it goes on for longer. Just stop!'

But just as she was about to pull away, Thatch cupped the back of her head, and kissed her back. 


His other arm was wrapped around her waist, his fingers gently pressing against her. For a moment, Kora pondered if she was just stuck in a lucid dream, but immediately knew that she wasn't. She knew when she was lucid dreaming, and this certainly wasn't one of those. 


Thatch had pulled away, ever so slightly. "Kora...-" Kora bursted into tears, "I'm sorry..." She blubbered, "I just...I shouldn't have done that..." She sniffed. "Kora, it's okay." Kora shook her head, "I'm gonna make things worse again! Just like how I always do!" She cried. "Kora, you're not making any sense!" Thatch adds.

'I need to tell him!'

Kora began to feel nervous. She didn't know what to do. Does she tell him that Valkiria slept with Shanks? Or does she keep it in the dark-

"My Lady!"

Kora and Thatch sprang up from the bed, to find Anahera storming in, carrying a torch, and wearing a night gown. "We have an emergency!" She panicked. "Emergency? Tell me!" She demanded. "It's the Master....he's not well at all!" Kora's eyes widened, "He was found unconscious on the floor just now by the butler! We need to take him to the hospital!" "Shit!" Kora swore, jumping over Thatch.

The two struggled to grab clothes. Kora just opted for a pair of sweat pants, and her space club jacket over her pyjama shirt. Thatch could only wear what he was wearing, but with his jacket that he wore to the party over the top. After grabbing their phones, they rushed down to where one of the vehicles was, where servants were flocking about to get Akira into the vehicle safely.

"Oh god..." Thatch muttered under his breath. He noticed blood, and Akira being unable to move. "Father!" Kora cried. "My Lady, he's unconscious...what are your orders?" Everyone looked expectantly at Kora. "Thatch and I shall go and take him to the hospital. Anahera! I leave you in charge of the mansion while I'm gone. I need to stay with Father to ensure his health." Anahera nods solemnly, "I'll have it that the defense mechanisms are in place." 

'Why am I not surprised that they have defensive stuff in their mansion?' Thatch thought

"Thatch! Thatch!" "What?" Kora was holding his wrist, "You gotta sit in the back with Father, you drive too slow." She commanded. "It's called driving safely!" He argued as he got into the back seat, Kora running to the drivers seat. 

Kora hightailed out of the mansion, and sped down the streets. Thatch sat in the back seat, sort of being thrown around by Kora's frantic driving. "Kora slow down! I haven't even gotten my seat belt-" "No time for seat belts, okay! We have to get him to the hospital!" She yelled.


A few moments later, they arrived at the hospital. Kora was the one who ran into the hospital, and yelled, "OI! I NEED SOME HELP! ANYONE! ITS MY FATHER!" She screamed. Immediately, running with Kora out to the car park, was a few doctors and a hospital stretcher. Thatch, meanwhile was helping Akira out of the car, but was soon relieved of that duty by the doctors.

"He's unconscious, it seems like he's been struck on the head." A doctor spoke rapidly. Kora grit her teeth as she jogged after the doctor, "Anything else?" She pestered. "We'll just have to check if there's anything else wrong with him...what's his name?" "Mardelna Tanē Akira." Kora informed. The nurse gave Kora a shocked look, "The Mardelna clan-" "That doesn't matter right now, just fix my Father!" Kora growled.


Despite wanting to go and sit with her Father, the doctors prohibited her and Thatch to be in the room while the doctors worked on Akira. What made it worse, was that Kora couldn't smoke, and that was her way of coping with stress. All she could do, was just hopelessly sit and stare blankly at the wall.

Thatch noticed that her hands were shaking visibly. She kept running her hands through her hair, or would scratch herself. Thatch flickered his eyes at Kora's eyes. They were bloodshot, and held an air of anxiety.

'Do something!'

Thatch placed a hand on her knee, and gave her a supportive look, "Kora..." He spoke, "we're gonna find out whats wrong soon, I promise." "I just wanna thing. Who attacked my Father? Someone has to have attacked him, cause they said that it looks like he's been struck-" "Kora..." He said soothingly, "It's going to be okay. I'm here for you." Kora leaned her head against his shoulder, "I may not agree with him most days but....he's the only family I have left..." She murmured, "If he dies...then its just me....."

Thatch felt a pang of sorrow towards Kora. For the longest time he's known her in these couple weeks, he couldn't believe that he was already beginning to feel something towards her. He will admit that when he first saw her, he thought that she was beautiful, but he never felt anything over than that.

'She's always angry, she's foul mouthed, she's rebellious, she's crazy, she's an alcoholic, she's explosive...but through it all, she cares. She cares so much.'

Kora looked at Thatch, "I'm sorry that I dragged you here-" "I want to be here with you, Kora." He urged, "You can't face something like this alone."

'Besides, the last person for you to see right now, is Shanks. If Shanks were here, he might've mad everything worse.' 

Kora gave Thatch a small smile, "Thank you."

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