Chapter 29:Bonds

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Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun

But baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run

Rule number two, just don't get attached to somebody you could lose

-Marine and the Diamonds (How to be a heartbreaker)


Kora pov

School is shit. Then again, I call high school "The Ancient Burial Ground". Because so many people always feel dead on the inside whenever they're here at this cruddy place.

"Hey Shogun, didn't know you had a pain kink!"

Behind my sunglasses, I rolled my eyes. My hands were stuffed in my racket pockets, where I was furiously balling my fists.

"I dunno if I wanna fuck with her or not."

'Too bad, I was never in to cowards.'

At this point, I couldn't even tell if I was burying myself in a deeper hole or not.

I stopped by my locker, and began grabbing things out for my classes. I grabbed all my paint brushes, due to me having Art as my next class soon. Out of all the classes that I had, Art was probably the safest. No one really gives a shit about gossip in that class, since the only thing they care about is doing the large art portfolio that's due in at the end of the year. Although in Art you don't have to take an exam, the art portfolio is pretty much an exam, since it takes the whole year to produce the portfolio. In my opinion, Art's pretty stressful. I mean, I usually get good marks in the class, but still.

Then again, Father always got me the best materials for Art, and made sure that I was taught how to utilise them properly.

"Hey Kora."

I look, and see Kira walking towards me, carrying her Chemistry and Biology textbooks, a pair of glasses on her face. "Oh, hey Kira. I see ya got Chem and Bio next?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm dreading Chemistry because we have that test next." She sighed. "Oooh that test, yeah I did that test yesterday. Don't worry, it's easy. Besides, this'll sound kinda assumptious, but what have you got to worry about?" I asked. "It's just....I really want those high grades, I wanna get into a good medical school." She said. "Kira, you're doing great, far better than I am. If I found it easy, then you're gonna find it as a piece of cake." I assured. "Thanks for believing in my, Kora." She smiled. "Any time."

"Hey Kira, why are you hanging with that slut?"

'Oh fuck off Kyona.'

Kyona stood with her little posse. Her nose still looked bad from when I broke it.

"Kora is not a slut, you hypocritical bitch!" Kira hissed. "Whoa, whoa, whoa Kira!" I chuckled, "You're more feisty than I imagined!" I took a step past Kira, "Hey Kyona, hows your nose, because I can put it back in place if you want." I fake offered. "You wouldn't dare." Kyona growled. "Oh but bitch, I would. Remember what happened to Yonji yesterday?" I grabbed the collar of her blouse, making her look panicked, "Because I can do something far more worse." I pushed her away. "You're a psycho! Your whole family is!" Kyona scoffed. "Least I didn't give my brother chlymdia!" I called as she ran away.

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