chapter four

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Demi's pov

"Demi how is it going?"

"Is new music coming soon?"

"Do you enjoy this little break in Texas?"

"Why aren't you twitter so much lately?"

I go in to my car trying to ignore the paparazzi which is really difficult as usual. I sigh. I really love this life, I love the have my passion, my life saver, music as my work and paps are a part of it but sometimes I just really hate them. Can't they just leave me alone at the moment. My mind is to busy for them. My mind is to busy with Nina. I shake my head. Not again, I shouldn't think about her now. I should enjoy this little break I have in Texas but the idea of Nina so close to me is so triggering to go to her. I stroke one my hand through my hair and get out of the car as soon as I arrive by the music school were I'm going to teach the kids something today and I really look forward to it to be honest. I love music and showing some it to kids makes it even better.

Nina's pov

I look at all the shredded posters at the ground. It were all the posters I had from Demetria Devonne Lovato. My mother. I just ripped them all of my wall. I always loved to look at the angel on my wall but now, now I can't look at that devil anymore. I settle myself down on the ground and cry. I need my blade but a knock on the door interrupts me and Lauren is coming in. Her jaw drops and her eyes go wide.

"What the fuck happened Nina, what the fuck happened to all your Demi posters?" she kneels down next to and hugs me and just let me cry without saying anything.

"Lauren I... I just can't tell you" she nods and put me on her lap and hugs me again. It's always great to be small and have a tall best friend. Small, I have that from my mom I guess. No I don't even wanna call her 'mom'. Small, I have that from that devil I guess. Yes devil you read it good. I call Demi Lovato a devil, she is even a worse devil than the voices in my head or actually she is the reason behind the voices in my head. She is the reason behind every fucked up thing that is going on in my life right now. 

"Nina we gotta go or do you rather stay home baby?" 

I shake my head "Nah I can use some distraction I guess and music is a good one." Lauren nods and smiles. 

We walk to our a bike and cycle to the music school. Yes I guess I get my music talents from that devil too. I have way to much from her. People always tell that I have such an amazing talent for music, I can sing, play piana, guitar and a little drum oh and hey I like to perform too. But now, now I don't know anymore. I would have the same dream as her, as that devil and I totally don't want to be like her. I don't want to be someone who throws her child away like some garbage.

"Aren't you excited?" Lauren asks as we arrive at the music school

"for what?" I frown my eyebrows and have no idea where she's talking about

Lauren rolls her eyes "Seriously Nina? the special guest ofcourse!"

"Oh my holy unicorn, ofcourse I am excited"

I smile. I smile for the first time since my parents told me but my smile fades away as soon as I see her standing there. I look right in the eyes of that devil and the worst part is that she recognise me. Oh dear lord this I gonna be hard. No not for me. It's gonna be hard for her because I'm gonna make this time in the music school like a hell. Because devils belong in hell right? 


guuuyys, I am so so sorry, this sucked. but it was just some filler chapter which I really needed. I promise to make next chapter better. sorry, but thanks for the reads/votes/comments. they make me smile :) 

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