chapter seventeen

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never do a/n's at the beginning of a chapter but this time I do bc it's Demi's freaking birthday.. Can you even believe that she's already 22? Wasn't it like yesterday when she was performing on Barney and stealing the show with Camp Rock?! asdfghjkl. Oh for the great birthday present; #votedemilovato on twitter, insta,vine. Also Demi has been struggling lately so we should really our love to our 22 year old little nugget! 

This chapter is dedicated to Demi's birthday and yeah that promises some cute moments just for the birthday :)


Demi's pov

I rub in my eyes and yawn while waking up with the smile of pancakes in my eyes. Pancakes?

"Happy birthday, mom." A voice next to me says.

I turn around and see Nina sitting there with a plate of panca--- Wait, did she just said mom?

Unremarkable, I pinch myself just to be sure I am not dreaming.


"Yeah, mom?" She answers.

Oh damn hallelujah, I wasn't dreaming.

A smile appears on my face. "Thank you Nina, for the birthday wishes, the pancakes, and err.. for the way you called me."

"Hm, that's what you are you know and err... sorry I was that rude yesterday."

"Why you gotta be so rude, don't you know I'm too?" I sing one of my fave songs at the moment, referring to what my daughter just said.

Nina's eyes grow big. "No just no. You might have a really good voice but just not when err... when you just woke up."

I look quasi hurt, knowing that she's right. 

"Let's just eat those pancakes." I say.

"Hm is there any visitors coming today?" Nina asks while taking the first bite of her pancake.

"Nina Savannah Lovato don't talk why you have food in your mounth, that's rude."

She rolls her eyes. "Just answer my question."

"Well my parents are coming tomorrow and staying till monday along with Dallas, Rob and Maddie and three of my best friends; Marissa, Natalie and Matthew." A smile appears on Nina's face, probably happy that mom ,with who she has a very strong bond comes tomorrow along with the rest.

"Oh and Wilmer is coming tonight so today is just you and me time." I add.

"Demetria Devonne Lovato don't talk with your mounth full."

It's my turn to roll with my eyes.

"Pay back is a bitch." Is Nina's answer. "By the way sonce Wilmer is coming here tonight you don't mind me going out?"

"With who are you going out?"

"Brad, Liam,Taylor and Sam you know, the people I met at the skate park yesterday."

"Nina I don't know..." I start but Nina cuts me off "Come on mom, just be glad I already found friends here in Los Angeles."

"I know you're right but I just... Like I said yesterday; Don't get involved with the wrong friends like I did back then."

"But I can right?" She asks and I can't dissapoint those eyes full of hope.

"But you will be back at 12 O'clock, okay?"

"Mom---" She starts but I raise my eyebrows. "Okay" she sighs.

"You like that Sam girl, don't you?" I ask with a smirk.

"Mom, No! I just met her."

"But you like her, oeh Nina likes Sam." I say with a childish voice.


"That's why you are blushing now, right?"

Nina rolls her eyes, probably not having an answer.

"I have an idea." I tell Nina, while getting her full attention. "How about me telling on twitter that you're my daughter? Are you okay with that?"

"But how, twitter has only 140 characters" Nina says while frowning.

"Twitlonger." I say while putting on the app.

@ddlovato: You all have seen the girl which who I have been spotted a lot lately and I owe you all an explanation. Since Nina ,that's her name, is okay with it I will tell you. Nina is my daughter. No I haven't adopted her, she's my blood own 14 year old daughter. She's born on the third of may 2008, as you all know I wasn't in the best place back then and I was only sixteen. Because of some troubles ,which are private, She's back with me again. Please respect Nina's and mine privacy. Love her as much as I love her, if you hurt her you will hurt me. @NinaSavannah

I let Nina read it and as she nod, I take a deep sigh and press on post.

"So with this being said, what about watching some movies?" I ask Nina, not wanting to see my lovatics reactions yet.

"No no no, Not movies. I want a Pretty Little Liars marathon." She yells from excitement.

"Yeahyeah, that sounds even better. We start with season one and see how far we come, though I have already seen them all. I will get the snacks and you put on the tv, okay?" I yell, being as excited as she is.

I see her face dropping at the mention of snacks.

"Don't worry I will get healthy snacks like carrots and cheese, okay?"

As she nods I let my eyes go over her skinny body. Her way too skinny body.

"But we gotta work on this, if you like it or not."


It's nine hours later as I look at the clock, totally being shocked that it's already this late while we're only by season one episode thirteen.

"Wilmer will be here in a half and an hour. We should clean this up." I say while looking at the mess we have here.

As we have cleaned everything and Nina runs upstairs to get dressed, Wilmer walks in and pecks my lips. "How was your birthday, hermosa?" He asks and just as I want to answer Nina comes walking down stars in a leather crop top, skinny jeans and red converse.

"I gotta go, mom." She hugs me and high fives Wilmer.

"Be safe and take care of yourself."

"Don't worry.

"Don't forget 12 O'clock." I yell with as only respond rolling eyes before she runs away.

Nina might have said that I don't have to worry so I don't, but I should have. Tonight is gonne be one of the worst nights in my life and I can tell you I had a lot of bad nights but this one will slay everything.


What's gonna happen? 

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