chapter eleven

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Demi's pov

"Guys, Rob and I have to tell you something." Dallas says whit an unsure voice. "I know this family dinner is all to meet Nina, who I already love with all of my heart."

Nina and Dallas smile at each other and I immediately feel jealousy welling up in my chest. Nina has a smile for everyone, except for me. The only thing she gives me are death glares.

"But Rob and I have news and we really need to tell you because we are so excited." Dallas continues "I'm pregnant."

I immediately feel tears welling up in my eyes. I should be happy for Dallas and Rob. But I can't , not now... I look at Wilmer and see he has tears in his eyes as well. He looks back at me squeez my hand. I send him a weak smile to thank him for showing that we're in this together.

I listen to the excited reactions in silent. Not knowing what to say. But I get my full attention back as I hear what mom says and Nina's hurt face after it.

Nina's pov

"My first grandchild. Oh guys I'm so excited." Dianna says after Dallas told us she was pregnant.

Oh well that hurts. Dianna was the only one in the house who gave me the feeling that I am a part of this family but now? I'm not even her grandaughter. Oh.

I see Demi looking at me and sending me a weak smile, probably trying to make me feel better. But you know what? A devil can never make you feel better, not even devil Demetria.

The tears are rolling down my cheeks now so everyone can see them. Oh well done Nina, showing your emotions to everyone.

I stand up with saying a word and walk away.

"Nina, what's wrong?" my so called grandmother yells. That bitch.

"Nina Savannah, please stay. She didn't meant it like that." Demi says in a soft voice. Oh like that devil can know what Dianna means.

I just keep walking but I start running as soon as I'm outside the house. I run to the one person I need right now. Lauren. I didn't speak with the after I told her that Demi was the devil, my biological mom.

I run to her house as fast as I can. I can't wait to have the warm arms of my best friend wrapping around me again and her voice telling me that everything will be alright.

I ring the doorbell and Lauren's mom opens and let her arms out.

"Nina, babygirl I heard about your mom and dad being in jail. Stay strong and know that we're always here for you." I nod as the tears are welling up in my eyes again.

"Thank you, err is Lauren home?"

"No I'm sorry she's out with Brandon."

I immediately feel jealousy in my heart. Brandon is her boyfriend and did I already told you that lauren isn't only my best friend but my crush too? Well she is but she will never ever know it.

"I will come back later." I say as I realize that I didn't answer Lauren's mom yet.

"Anytime Nina" she smiles and close the door.

I'm left alone again. It's getting dark and I should probably go back home but I don't want to since I'm not accepted by anyone there. Why would they even? I mean Demi gave me away like some piece of garbage so why wouldn't they all ,inclusive Dianna, see me as some piece of garbage.

I wander down the streets not knowing where to go.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I feel my heart beat going faster as I hear a man voice while the man is shining a flaslight on me. I turn around ,with sweaty hands, to see who it is.

I let out a reliefed sigh as I see it's only a cop.

"I err I'm just walking around."

"It's way to late for a young lady like you to walk alone on the streets. It's already one am so let me bring me home."

Wow didn't realize I was wandering down the streets for this long.

"I don't want to go home."

He sigh and shake his head. "Just tell me your adres or I will take you to the police station and your parents have to get you up there."

I roll my eyes and answer since I have no other choice.

I ride home is silent, we both don't know what to say. I thank him and get out of the car as we arrive at the house.

"Nina were have you been? I was so worried!"

"Never knew a devil could be worried." I answer Demi as I walk in.

"Nina..." She starts but I walk upstairs ignoring here.

I walk straight into my room ingoring everyone.

I open the door and plan on going to lay down on my bed as I see it. As I see him.

what the actual fuck.


why do you think Wilmer & Demi had both tears in their eyes as Dallas tells she is pregnant? And who's in Nina's room? expect the unexpected ;)

GUUUUYSS, I'm going on a vacantion (to Norway yaaayy). I'm back july 14 and I will update asap.


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