Chapter nineteen

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Nina's pov

"Grandma" I yell excited as Dianna walks into my room.

"Hey babygirl." She says and settles herself on the edge of my bed. "How are you doing, girl?"

"Tired and headache." I answer looking down at my hands.

"Tired? It's 1am and you are in bed and still tired?" Dianna looks down at me with a smile.

I grin "Yeah well got a rough night."

Immediately I realize I shouldn't have said that since Dianna's gets a serious expression on her face. "Demi told me about last night."

I sigh and roll my eyes. "I'm a teenager and I just had some fun with friends."

"Nina." Dianna looks right into my eyes "You're fourteen. Most teenagers have that kind of fun when they are eighteen. You were drunk, high and lost our virginty. I remeber that from Demi when---"

I interrupt her "Don't you dare to compare me to Demi. It was only one night. One night. I had fun with friends but in reality I miss my real friends. The ones from Texas. The ones who were my friends before Demi came and destroyed my whole life."

"Oh girl." Tears are appearing in Dianna's eyes and she hugs me. "I think that Demi's just scared you end up like her. You already have a few things... If you know what I mean and believe me drugs and alcohol dont take the pain away neither does cutting." She rolls up my sleeves why she says it and does something she did one of the first time I met her too. She's kissing my scars.

"Now go take a shower and come sit with us after that. Maddie, Dallas and Eddie are excited to see you too." She softly place a kiss on my fore- head. "I love you Nina."

"I love you too."

Dianna leaves my room and with shaking hands I pick up my phone again, Just to be sure that what I saw before was real and it is real.

Demi's pov

I smile as Nina walks into the room. 

"Hey how are you dong girl?"

"Do you maybe have an asprine for me?" She ask and I grin "Headache, huh?"

She nods.

"Come walk with me to the kitchen."

"You look a bit pale and you're shaking." I say as we arrive in the kitchen.

Nina shrugs with her shouders. "Don't know.. I just dont feel so well."

I nod "Nina?" I say as I hand her a glass water and two asprines.

"Yeah?" She looks questioning at me.

"Promise me, please promise that you won't ever get home like you did last night. You scared the fuck out of me. I know it was just one night but I dont want you to go down the same way as I did. I love you way too much for that and I know that it's my fault that you feel so fucked up sometimes but please Nina, my beautiful daughter, who I truly love, let me fix you!"

Tears are appearing in Nina's eyes and she nods. "I promise,mom."

I smile at her and spread my arms and she walks into them and let her head lean on my chest while I wrap my arms around her. I hug her. I hug my own daughter.

Oh how could I know that after what will happen just an hour after this converstation will makes things worse, wors than ever.

Nina's pov

I pull away from Demi's hug as I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. 

I bite on my inner cheek as I see it's another message from Sam. Anxiety is rising in me. I start breathing faster and faster and I feel that Im sweating while my vision gets blurry.

Suddenly I hear a very calmly voice talking to me "Just copy my breathe." "In and out" "Here you go"

After a couple of minutes I finally calm down and Demi rubs my back. "Shh it's okay, it's okay."

"What was there on your phone Nina, why did you get so scared?" She asks but I shake my head. "It doesn't matter. err.. I will just go for a walk to get some fresh air okay?"


I let the wind run through my hair and breathe in the fresh air.

I have been walking for hours and I feel amazing, new, fresh.

I walk in to the street where my house stands as I hear a car behind me. Anxiety overtakes me as the car stops next to me.

I cant describe what happens in the next fe minutes.

Someone throws something black around my face so I can't see anything. I feel two people robbing on my arms and I get drag into the car.

Then all of a sudden everything goes black. I can't see, hear or feel anything. It's just black.


WOAH! What just happened? Pretty obvious I guess. How does that come so, all of a sudden? Or isn't it all of a sudden? Does maybe Sam text message's have to do anything with it? What exactly is going on with her text messages? Share your thoughts! (:



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