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" Cmon Beth! " I heard Daryl's shouting voice demand over the gunshots. I had tears falling down my face, this just cant be happening. That man..he- he killed Daddy! The thought kept replaying in my head, this is all to much for me. I need quiet, I need everything to be normal again! I didnt know I was just standing in my spot, crying my eyes out. Everything was blurry and I felt a pair of hands grab me.

I started thrashing around while screaming, I dont know who's touching me?! They put me in a tight hold and I heard that familiar southern voice speak in my ear, he spoke loud enough over the gunshots.

" Calm down " his voice made chills go down my spine, he let go of me and I felt myself being pulled. The gunshots had died down, but were still firing. I wiped my tears away with my other hand while Daryl held my left. We ran together...and we didnt stop for nothing.


I was now on the ground, Daryl was next to me. My lungs were burning from running, for miles it seemed. My diary had fallen out my back pocket, I didnt have the strength right now to get it. I closed my eyes but shot them back open, when I was pulled to my feet.

I looked up and was met with another pair of bright blue eyes, thats the thing I love about Daryl. His eyes. They were brighter than mine. You could mistake them as a white if you took a quick glance at him.

But no, that's not the only thing that I think is perfect about him. His facial features are raw but sensative at the same time, he had the South Georgia tan. I have always thought this about him, it always brought a smile to my face.

Ever since him and his group showed up on daddy's farm. He looked like the mysterious, mean type but I have seen his soft side. When the little girl went missing...he looked lost and broken, I wanted to hold him and tell him it would be okay. But I stayed distant, every time I saw him. My feelings got stronger and stronger.

Im sure he doesnt feel the same about me....

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