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Nightfall had hit, My head rested against the pillow. I felt bad that Daryl was sleeping on the floor, he said that I could have the bed.

I rolled over and peered over the side of the bed " Daryl? " my voice was a faint whisper. He had his eyes closed, but when I called his name he opened them

" Hm? "

" D-do you want the bed? I could take the floor..." My voice stuttered a little.

Daryl stared at me, like he was waiting for more words to come out. He shook his head and rolled over on his side, he had a pillow and a blanket.

I sat up and put another pillow down on the floor next to him. I could tell he had his eyes open, he didnt move though.

I sighed softly and rolled back over, I was thinking untill I was drug into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, the sun shone in my eyes through the boarded windows. I squinted them and sat up, rubbing my eyes. All I did was let my hair down, combing through it with my fingers. I walked out the room since I noticed Daryl was gone. I looked around " Daryl? " I called

I heard nothing but my voice and footsteps, his bag was here...his crossbow wasnt. Maybe he will be back later, I sat on the couch. hours went by...more and more, Daryl wasnt back.

I stared at my hands that were sitting in my lap, did he leave me? Just abandon me alone? My thoughts caused me to whimper, night was alread settling in. I cant believe he done this...

Tears brimmed in my eyes, No! I dont need to cry over a stupid boy! Im fine..I can do this. I can do everything on my own. I'm not a little girl anymore.

I stood up and grabbed my butterfly knife, I walked around the house thinking. I jumped when I heard someone's footsteps in the house. I saw the shadow and hid behind a wall, gripping my knife tightly.

It was coming my way, they were coming my way....my heart pace quickened. What do I-

I plunged my knife into the side of whoever walked past me, I screamed when I saw who it was...

It was Daryl.


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