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I was waiting in the bathroom, five minutes seemed like forever. I kept hearing the bathroom door open and footsteps, I knew it was Daryl since his boots clunked. I would hear them walk back out, I dont know what he's doing. I was sitting in a stall, I grabbed the test and stared at eyes started stinging with tears. I blinked them down but a sob choked out, once that happened the bathroom stall was flung open and Daryl was staring down at me. I thought he was outside the bathroom?

I gripped the test and stared down, I stood and grabbed his wrist weakly. Placing the test in his outstretched hand, I walked past him and ran out the bathroom. I dont want to be pregnant. I cant. I dont want to die and I'm too young! Im 18!

A baby shouldnt even be raised in a world like this, I was staring at a wall while I was lost in my thoughts. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind and hug me tightly, I glanced at Daryl's face and placed my hands on his arms. I turned around and hugged his neck, laying my head on his chest. I started crying again, what happens if I end up like Lori...

Daryl rubbed my back " listen..the baby and ye' are gonna be protected, I will do anythin' to keep ya'll from harm. " he mumbled in my ear and I closed my eyes, if he dies that will be worse. I tightened my grip around him and whimpered

" What happens if I die during the birth...Daryl, I cant do this- "

" Yer not gettin' rid of my baby " Daryl cut me off, I was a little shocked

" No. No. No, I dont believe in that. I would never kill an innocent kid. " I whispered and I didnt know he was tensed up untill I felt him relax his shoulders.

I pulled back abrutally when I heard banging on the store's door, I looked at it and saw a man. I grabbed Daryl's hand and walked towards it, Daryl gripped his crossbow tightly and opened the door. He was a middle aged man, I saw about 6 men behind him.

I neared Daryl while he glared at the men " Who the hell are ye' "

" Woah woah woah. No need for any violence, my names Joe. Looks like you fella's need a bit of a hand, little lady here doesnt look so well. "

I was sweating but that was from the fear before I got the results, I was still scared now.

" She's fine, now leave us. We dont need more fuckin' pests runnin' 'round. " Daryl growled and I nudged him, he needs to calm down.

Joe put his hands up slightly and nodded, taking a step back but his eyes locked on Daryl's crossbow.

" havent seen one of those during my days..most men carry rifles like some hunter male models, but have a true badass man's weapon. " he stated,

Daryl clenched his jaw and I was watching, I really dont trust these people

" why dont you come with us, we have a place. Its a warehouse, the lady can get rest and you can help us find food " Joe motioned to me and Daryl while he spoke, Daryl glanced down at me for an answer

I stared at them " s-sure? " It came more out like a question than anything.

Joe smiled and turned on his heel " check the store while I lead these two nice people back to our camp. Wait, Whats ya'lls names "

" Im Beth..this is Daryl. " I said his name for him since he wouldn't speak, I followed Joe, pulling Daryl along. This might not be so bad after all, I mean....hell, we got food and shelter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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