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We were moving again, thats the thing now. We cant stop moving, if we do, we get killed. Daryl was way ahead of everyone, his leather jacket would make a little noise every now and then. He looked at the woods as we trailed down the dirtroad.

Carol was walking hand in hand with Connor, I smiled and walked up to Daryl. So we walked beside each other, he didnt say anything so I decided to do something. I just looked at the ground and made out steps go in rhythm, my smiled faded and hair fell in front of my face.

I was thinking the same thing like last night...why am I thinking of this.?! I've always wanted a child of my own, but a child shouldn't be brought into this cruel world. There are many reasons why I dont want to..
1. The baby could die
2. I could die
3. What if Daryl doesnt want the kid...
What if he doesnt want the child after im pregnant?

I shook my head, lets just not think about this. We kept walking and walking and walking, we found another house. I stared at it, it was a lot bigger than the last house. I walked up to the door and twisted the knob, i slowly pushed it open and the door creaked.

Daryl stuck his head in and whistled, nothing came. He walked in and had his crossbow raised up, he turned in all different directions. I watched him and went into another room, Carol went upstairs since Connor was tired.

I found a piano, smiling I sat down and began playing it. My singing was quiet but it only got louder, I didnt know Daryl was standing in the doorway. I jumped and stopped playing, accidently pressing an off key. I turned and looked at him, he walked over and sat in a chair. He looked at me like he wants me to continue on with the song. I shook my head and he nodded, I sighed and turned back to the keys. Playing the same ones and restarting the song.

I finished and turned to Daryl, his eyes were closed but they opened when I stopped. He looked at me before standing and walking out the room, I followed him quickly. He went to a room that was downstairs while Carol and Connor stayed upstairs, of course I follow Daryl.

Daryl opened a door and walked in, it was a small room. He sat on the bed and i sat next to him.

" Daryl..." I said quietly " what are we..? " I blinked

" .." Daryl didnt reply at first " guess...Yer my girlfriend.? " he said more like a question

I blushed " If thats your way of asking me then yeah. " I laughed faintly and looked at him. He had a small grin on his lips, I leaned up and pecked his lips quickly before laying down. Before I laid down I felt him peck my lips back and which caused me blush deeper.

He laid back beside me and sighed, he rolled over so he was facing me and my back was to him. A pair of arms snaked around my waist and pulled my backside to his chest, his lips were pushed against my head before I felt him relax behind me.

(A/N; okay, guys. I post/update chapters at my own pace alrighty. If im rushed the chapters wont turn out as great. Kinda like this chapter -.- but enjoy anyways!)

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