Days gone by ( c; )

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" Fuck off Dixon " I snapped harshly, his face went cold. He glared at me and pushed past me, making my back hit the wall. This fight has been going on for over an hour, I ran my hand through my hair.

It all started from a stupid disagreement, he said he was going to go out and look for another place to stay. I wanted to go ahead and go but he had to take his hard headed-ness and start an argument. I hate seeing him mad, it makes me sad and frightened at the same time. I should get used to it, I going to be with him till I die.

I walked out of the room and looked for him, he was sitting on the floor while glaring at the ground. I walked up behind him, maybe I can get him to listen to me instead of being 'No Beth, No Beth, No.'

I tapped his shoulder and put my hands on my hips, he glanced over his shoulder and at me.

" what now. " He grumbled and I tugged his shirt

" stand up. Your going to listen to me from now on Daryl Dixon. No, ifs, ands, or buts about it! " I stared at him as he went silent, he had stood and faced me. I smirked triumphantly and poked his chest " going to go with you and you are going to like it " I kept backing him up while poking his chest.

I got a small nod from him, I stopped and giggled. I cant believe I did that, I ran back to the room. I was still mad at him but that was too funny to me, I put stuff in my bag and grabbed my butterfly knife. I walked back out and Daryl had his bag over his shoulder, his crossbow in his hand. He walked out and I followed close behind, I hummed as i walked.

We were walking for miles and miles, nothing. Okay, maybe it wasnt a good idea for us to leave. I kept looking out and Daryl decided to cut off in the woods, instead of stay on the highway. I blinked and thought it was kinda stupid, but I followed. He knew the backroads and woods better than me so, I wouldn't argue.

Daryl found a clear spot and set his bags down, he made a small fire. I dropped my bags and sat criss-crossed on the ground, pushing my hair that had fallen out of my pony tail behind my ear. He sat down a short distance next to me and stared at the fire, my stomach rumbled and Daryl turned his head towards me. He stood again and grabbed his crossbow, I already knew what he was doing. Hunting.

I saw his figure dissapear, he came back quickly with a couple squirrels. He skinned and helped me cook them, we ate in silence and I was getting bit by Mosquitos. I slapped at them and Daryl took his jacket off, he handed it to me and I stared at him.

" I dont need it..."

" Jus' take the damn thing. " Daryl muttered and I slowly took it, I slid it on over my shoulders and finished my squirrel after Daryl. I moved over towards Daryl, he grabbed my hand suddenly and intertwined out fingers hesitantly.

I stared at our hands, im thinking he's bi-polar or something. Not being mean but his attitude changes quickly, I didnt complain and make him apoligize. I can tell my the way he held my hand and kissed my temple that he was saying sorry. I lifted out hands and kissed his knuckles, before closing my eyes and leaning my head on his shoulder.

We stayed here in this spot for a couple days...untill I started puking that is. It just came out of nowhere, we found a store and the first thing Daryl handed me was Pregnancy tests. I was terrifyed now.

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