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I woke up and the feeling of Daryl's presence was gone. I rolled over to see he had already gotten up and left the room, I sighed and sat up. Combing my fingers through my hair and walked to the door, I walked out with a yawn. Daryl was in the kitchen, food sprawled out all over the small table. I guess it was already in the place, I looked at Connor, she was stuffing her face.

I went upstairs to get Carol, I walked down the hallway " Carol.? " I called and opened her door, it was empty...did she leave? I went back downstairs and Daryl was looking in my direction. " did Carol leave? "

Connor then looked at me " yeah. She saw something in the woods and followed it. She didnt come back..." I quickly darted out the door and towards the woods, I looked around wildly. Thoughts flooding in my head, I ran around the woods for a while until Daryl grabbed my arm. Carol's body wasnt anywhere so she couldn't of had died. Maybe she is out looking for food...yeah.

Daryl stared at me for a moment and pulled me back to the house, he shut the door and went back to the kitchen. I watched him closely and followed, I kept thinking. Where is Carol?!

Why didnt she tell us she was going somewhere? Did she not want us to know...Connor said it was because she saw something, she would have came back. I sat down and ate a chip, I sighed and drummed my fingers on the table.

Daryl was eating jelly with his fingers, he set the jaw down when he heard a knock at the door. I watched as he stood and went towards the door, he came back later and Carol was following. She was panting and had blood on her face, what happened?

I stood and hugged her tightly, she hugged me back immediantly. " Carol, what happened? "

Carol got most of her breath and looked at me " oh nothing..I thought I saw something and ended up getting chased by walkers. Since I forgot to take my gun. " she shrugged and sat down at the table.

I nodded and ran a hand through my hair, it was down at the moment. I ate another chip and everything was silent except for the crunching and munching of jaws. I didnt eat a lot and Connor jumped down with the bag of chips, she crawled up in my lap and ate. I messed with her hair and braided it, I felt eyes on me. I glanced over quickly and Daryl was staring at me, I smiled and kissed Connor's head.

" mama, can I play outside.? " Connor asked as she wiped her hands off on her jeans.

" Yeah, I'll come with you-" I was stopped

" ill do it " Carol spoke softly and grabbed her knife from the kitchen counter, she walked out the front door with Connor.

I stood up anyways and Daryl's eyes were still on me

" yes.? " I Asked and walked up to him. He looked up at me since he was sitting and I was standing. The only way I was taller than him.

" nothin' " Daryl grabbed my wrist when I was going to walk off, he basically made me sit in his lap. I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck, laying my head on his chest.

I listened to his heart, placing my hands on his stomach. It was beating a bit quicker than normal, I looked up at Daryl and he looked back down at me.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine, which I immediantly kissed him back. My eyes closed slowly but his stayed open for a moment then closed, I tilted my head to the right and his went to the left.

Daryl ran his tongue over my bottom lip so I parted my lips, I felt his tongue slide into my mouth which caused me to moan faintly. My blush creeped back on my face and I tangled my fingers in his hair as we had this little make out session, I could tell things were about to get pleasureable when his hands started to slide downwards on my backside. I pulled away quickly when I heard Connor scream, I jumped off his lap and ran to the door.

Daryl was right behind me, I pushed the door open and stepped out. Carol was standing over two dead walkers, where is Connor? I didnt see Connor! I ran down the steps and looked around " Connor!? " I yelled and ran around frantically. I heard sobbing and followed it, Connor was hiding in a bush. I picked her up and she hugged my neck tightly, I hummed a child's song to calm her. Daryl had gotten Carol back in the house, I walked back in and went upstairs

" its alright.." I whispered, Daryl was back in the kitchen and Carol was in her room. I opened the door and Connor jumped from my arms and into Carol's. I shut the door and let out a sigh of relief. Im glad nobody got hurt.

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