The hotel.

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There weren't as many walkers in the hotel as I though there would be. Daryl cleaned out the hotel, dragging the bodies outside and burning them. Connor was running, well waddling, up and down the stairs quickly.

" Be careful " I warned and she stopped to look at me, she ran back down the stairs and extended her arms up to me. I picked her up and she locked her arms around my neck, I smiled and she giggled.

Daryl came back inside and started to use things to block the front door. It was glass so walkers could see and probably break through. He pushed the counter in front of it and turned to us, he walked up " Go find a room, im gon' go get more food " he started walking towards the back door, or the emergency door. The power wasnt on so the alarm couldn't go off, he opened it and slammed it back shut.

About three hours later he came back, he was sweating and had a buck over his shoulder. He shut the door once again and dropped the animal on the ground, Connor looked at it and whimpered quietly. I stood and looked at her " No..dont cry, its just sleeping. It will wake up and run back to his family " I whispered and walked up the stairs. When she gets older, she will know that the animals are dead and we eat them, but not right now.

Daryl came up later and had cooked meat, I furrowed my eyebrows. Where did he get the fire? Then it clicked, he probably made it outside again. He handed food to me and glanced between me and Connor, I took it and handed Connor some.

" Whats this? " She asked and held it in her hands, she took a bite out of it

" Food " Daryl mumbled and walked back downstairs to get his own food. Me and her ate while talking, she was telling me about how her old friends moved away and she didnt see them again. How the monsters outside always ran after her, she thought they were boogeymans that hide under her bed. I rubbed her back and she finished her meat, I stood when she slowly fell asleep on my shoulder as I hummed an old son my daddy used to sing to me and Maggie when we were young. I walked to the room she chose out for herself and laid her on the bed gently.

I kissed her head and pulled the covers over her, I'm pretty sure that this girl is going to be with me forever. She will be like my..adopted daughter. I walked back out and saw Daryl going into the room I picked out. I quickly followed him " Daryl? What are you doing? " He stopped in his tracks and stared at me.

" I...I dont know if I maybe doin' this right but- " He stopped and pressed his lips against mine.

I went wide eyed as my blush came back, he kissed me. Why. Is. He. Kissing. Me!?

I didnt know what to do at the moment, I was completely frozen. He suddenly pulled back and looked down, he pushed past me and out the room. I still havent moved, he..h-he kissed me. I felt stupid when I didnt kiss back! I've been wanting this and once again I screw it up!

" Im going to bed " I said to just the air and walked to the bed, I laid down and hugged a pillow. Wait, should I go after him?! I sat up slightly and whimpered silently, I'm scared too. What if he rejects me, what if he relized what he did was a mistake? I shook my head and laid back down, why does this happen to me.

" Damnit.." I mumbled and couldn't sleep at all that night, I stayed up thinking about what happened. I was going to look like a wreck tommorow...

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