Battle Scars

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I was panting, he had himself hovered up over me. He leaned down and pecked my lips lightly which I did the same, all he had on was his ripped open shirt as he fell next to me and pulled the cover over us. But for me, I was completely naked. Wasnt fair, I rolled on my side and he pulled my backside to his body. I rubbed his hand with my thumb and closed my eyes. My breathing had gone back to normal and synced with his, I sat up and got out of his grip. I would like some clothes on me, I pulled my panties and bra on. I turned back and he pulled on his boxers, then laid back in the bed. I crawled back over to him and smiled, pulling the blanket back over us.

I laid my head on his chest, I looked up at his face. He shifted and winced slightly, I think I clawed the hell out of his back. I sat up " Let me check your back, I think I scratched it to much.." I whispered and grabbed his hand to pull him up

He kept laying down and shook his head " Its fine. Ya dont have to " he mumbled, was he trying to hide something? I mean, if he had a tattoo of something embarrassing I wont laugh.

" Daryl just let me see it, I wont laugh if its something embarrassing."

" I said no " Daryl's voice went sharp and I went silent, I looked down and let go of his hand

" why wont you let going to see your back one day you cant hide it forever. Please. "

I could tell Daryl was staring at me, I glanced up and met with his peircing blue eyes, he looked away and nodded slowly. He was going to show me, he sat up but turned so his back was away from me. I watched as he just tossed his shirt off, he was being hesitant.

" Do you want me to go around or are you going to..." I asked and watched him, he closed his eyes and turned around. His back was towards me, my hand immediantly flew to my mouth. He had huge scars running down his back, I reached my other hand out and ran my finger down one. His body tensed up so I stopped, I whimpered silently and wrapped my arms around his torso from behind. " what happened to you.." I whispered and kissed the biggest scar on his back, he pulled away from me and pulled his shirt back on.

I stood and grabbed his wrist, I didnt want him to be mad that I asked or anything. I ran my thumb in a circle over the top of his hand, I pulled him back to the bed and sat down, well laid down.

He followed me and laid ontop of me, laying his head on my chest and hugging my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and traced little shapes on the nape of his neck. I wouldn't push him into telling me, it had to of been something personal...

We sat in this position for a little while, then I heard his voice.

" It was my dad.."

I blinked and looked down at him with a confused look.

" my dad made them marks..after my ma died. I was eight, me and Merle runnin' 'round the street with other kids. They had bikes, we didnt..all of a sudden we see a fire truck fly by, the kids with bikes chased it as me and Merle ran after. Turns out my ma died by fallin' asleep with a cigarette beside her, lit. It caught fire and everythin' burned. My dad didnt care, he blamed me and Merle fer her death. After tha' he would beat us, Merle started doin' drugs and goin' to jail. So dad only had one target, me. He came home one night, him and his friends. Drunk as hell, grabbed a rifle put it up to my head. Sayin' im a fuck up, I shouldn't be there, he was gonna kill me..thank god Merle had jus' gotten outta jail and pushed him became a normal thing, I was used to it. He would cut me, hit me, threaten me with weapons. It all didnt matter in the end, I didnt cry. I didnt yell. I didnt fight back. "

By now I was in tears, how could anyone do that? He lifted his head and looked at me, he reached up and wiped tears off my cheeks.

" Daryl...t-those are your battle scars. Your s-strong, some people get them f-for reasons. I know you are a b-better person then he a-and Merle." I kissed his forehead and cried more, I couldn't keep it in. He leaned his head against mine and kept wiping my tears, he didnt say anything else. I hugged his neck a bit tighter and moved my head, so I buried it in the crook of his neck. My hand rubbed his back as his rubbed my hip, I ended up falling asleep after I stopped crying.

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