The little brick house

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" Your a tracker right..maybe you can track the rest of the group down " I spoke quietly, at the moment me and Daryl were sitting by a small fire. I stared at him, waiting for an answer but I didnt get one. I furrowed my eyebrows and slowly getting angry

" Fine! I'll find them myself " I stood and grabbed my butterfly knife, I walked into the dark woods. A while later I started rethinking everything, maybe I shouldn't have left him. I jumped when I felt a hand lay on my shoulder.

I was about to turn and stab whoever or whatever had ahold of me but I stopped when I heard the southern drawl that makes me get butterfly's.

" Dont " Daryl's voice said faintly in my ear, I nodded and he removed his hand. We started walking together, my hand accidently brushed his and my face went a deep red. Thank god it was dark out.

Sunlight hit and we had found a small brick house, I walked up and slowly opened the door. I felt Daryl's presence right behind me, I shook away thoughts and slowly made my way into the house.

" Check up front, I got the back " Darl mumbled and walked past me, he had his crossbow raised and the small flashlight in between his teeth.

I nodded and walked around up front, I would whistle every now and then. Nothing came out, I didnt have a flashlight but the sun brought light into the room I was in. I decided to look for the power box, I went into a room, it was dim but still enough light. I found the box behind the tv and opened it.

I started flipping switches and finally the lights flickered on. I smiled in triumph but a walker silently grabbed my hair and pulled me back.

I screamed and dropped my knife, its teeth were inches away from my neck. I closed my eyes ready for death but the walker's grip loosened. It eventually fell to the ground and I opened my eyes.

Daryl was standing there his crossbow raised, I looked down and the walker had one of his arrows through the temple of its head.

Daryl shook his head and walked over, he grabbed the arrow and yanked it out. " Gotta be careful " He muttered, I noticed the bag and his flashlight was gone. Must have dropped it or something.

Daryl avoided contact with me, but I hugged him tightly. He slowly wrapped his arms around me and I nuzzled my face in his chest. I listened to his heartbeat, it was faster than normal. I smiled slightly and let go, he rubbed the back of his neck and turned on his heel.

I lowered my gaze to the floor and walked to the bed, he soon came back in to rid of the walker.

One bedroom, two bathrooms, one kitchen and a living room.

This place must have been owned my someone who loves personal space.

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