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It has been 4 days, me going out and finding more bandages, cleaning and changing his wound untill I didnt need to anymore. He was back on his feet and walking around like normal, I sat on the living room floor since it didnt have a couch and watched as he patrolled around the house like an under cover cop.

He ended up stopping and walking over to me, sitting on the floor next to me. We might just stay here in the house for a while longer...I think that would be good. Daryl propped his legs up and laid his arms on his knees lazily, bending them so he can twirl his knife in his hands. I slowly leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, to be honest, I was exhausted! The floor isnt comfortable, I dont know how Daryl sleeps on it!

I got pulled out my thoughts when I felt Daryl lean his head against my lightly, I blush madly and was glad he couldn't see me from the angle I was in. I raised my hand and placed it on the other side of his neck, rubbing circles with my thumb. Daryl had his eyes closed and my were wide open now, I really dont think im too sleepy at the moment.

I hear light snoring and giggled silently, I slowly lift my head and his lays on my shoulder now. I was going to stay but his hands grabbed my waist, he opened his eyes slightly and pulled me back down but this time I sat on his lap instead.

" Daryl, I-if your tired- I-I can help you to the bed.." I stuttered as my face was bright red. He just buried his face in the crook of my neck, tightening his grip around my waist. " d-Daryl " I whispered and he groaned slightly

" Im try'na sleep " He muttered, I let out a sigh and blink rapidly.

" Then we can take you to the bed..."

Daryl lifted his head again, his eyes slowly opening. He spoke after his blue eyes met mine " maybe, I dont want to " he mumbled

Okay, now he sounded like a kid. I laughed slightly at the thought and he just stared at me. I didnt notice he was leaning in untill we got nose-to-nose. My heart beat quickened, my cheeks burning. Before he could press his lips onto mine I turned my head " Cmon, we have to get to bed " my voice was faint and I stood up off his lap

Too close...why did I turn away? This is what I have been dreaming of and I made it go to ruins. Will he still like me? I hope so...if not, I will make a move.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet, he sighed as I pulled him to the bed. Eventually he got in but he, once again, pulled me with him. I yelped as I fell on the bed next to him. I started to go to the other side of the bed, thinking he was just going to pull me back. I stopped in the center of the bed, I felt the same pair of arms wrap around my waist. Feeling backside against his front, I placed my hands on top of his and took in a sharp breath, releasing it.

I knew he was asleep again, the soft snoring told me so. It wasnt till long, that I was pulled into the darkness of sleep.

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