Kiss Kiss

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It was the next day, Connor was up and playing with what seemed like 10 toys. Me and Daryl still slept in different rooms, I felt like I needed to anyways.

" daddy! Daddy! Daddy! " Connor yelled while waving her doll in the air, he walked up and picked her up.

I actually liked this side of him, it was sweet. Not badass and tough. The thing is, when she called him daddy he didnt tell her to stop. He didnt make her call him Daryl. He let her and I thought it was even more adorable.

Daryl eventually put her down and walked up to me, he stared at me for a moment " We will have to leave soon...we gotta keep movin' " he sighed

I looked at him " But this place is safe for Connor..we cant just go back out and let something take her. "

" I wont let anythin' happen to the little girl, she will be fine. And so will ye' " He walked past me and towards the stairs, I shook my head and followed him.

" Still, what if something happens to you and then me and her both are screwed. " I muttered and he stopped walking

" Last fuckin' time, i wont let ye' or Connor get hurt. I dont care if im ripped apart, I will protect ya'll. if I dont Maggie will be pissed about ye'.." Daryl clenched his jaw

" Oh so, if Maggie wasnt here. You wouldn't protect me? Is that it? "

" I didnt say that..." Daryl stepped towards me

" You sure sounded like it! " I yelled, why would he say that. " The only reason you kept me alive was because of your scared of what Maggie will do to you if she finds out you let me die! "

" that aint fuckin' true Beth! I protect ye' because I ...." Daryl trailed off and I rose an eyebrow with my arms crossed

" screw you Daryl " I growled and walked off, I stomped up the stairs and into my room. I slammed the door shut and groaned

" Ugghhhh! " I ran a hand through my hair stressfully and sat on the bed, I sat on it for what seemed like forever. The door opened and I looked up slowly, Connor toddled in and handed me a plush dog. I smiled slightly and laid it on my lap " Thank you " I whispered

" Your welcome! " She chirped " daddy said he will be coming up here in a minute and so I gave you a toy to make you happy " She jumped slightly " I already gave him a kitty.." She giggled and ran out.

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, I was waiting for Daryl to come up here like Connor said. I could hear footsteps, his figure stood in my doorway. He leaned his arm up against the frame and stared at me

" Yes? " I asked quietly, messing with the stuffed animals ears. I blinked as his footsteps neared me. The clunking of his boots would give him away easily, unless he was doing it on purpose...

I stayed sitting and hesitantly lifted my head to look at him, his blue eyes peircing into my darker ones. I still cant get over the fact of how beautiful they were, even if I was mad at him at the moment.

Daryl leaned down and sighed, his hands gripped my chin lightly

" w-what are you doing? " I stuttered faintly. Daryl didnt reply and lifted my head up more, he let my chin go and placed his hands beside my thighs on the bed.

I am supposed to be angry! Push him back? No, I dont want to do that though. Tell him to go away? I dont want to be mean again...what do I do?!?!

I was so caught up with my racing thoughts, I didnt notice his face had neared mine. I was violently drug out from my head when I felt his lips against mine...again.

I cant push him away...

I moved my lips against his, kissing back. My eyes were open at the moment and so were his, I slowly shut my eyes And my arms snaked around his neck.

I tilted my head to the left as his head went to the right, his hands gripping my waist and my fingers tangling in his hair.

I really didnt know what to do when his tongue ran over my bottom lip, I have never kissed like this before. Not with Jimmy or Zach. All I did with them were pecks on the lips, this was turning passionate.

Daryl pulled back slightly, he leaned his head against mine and his eyes were shut " Ye' alrigh'? "

" Y-yeah...I j-just dont kn-now what to do " I blushed, embarrased.

" Jus'..." his thumb reached up and parted my lips that were sealed shut " Do this..." He pulled his head off mine and stood up straight. I started to stand but stopped, I looked at his boots. They weren't making loud noises when he walked to the door, he was doing it on purpose earlier.

Okay okay okay.......

This may sound crazy..


I'm falling


For the one and only

Daryl Dixon

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