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I woke up to a pair of strong arms still wrapped arohnd my waist, he was holding me tight like he would never see me again. I had just enough room to roll over, I blushed when he opened his eyes. He wasnt asleep.

" C-can you let go.? " I asked quietly, he slowly released me. I sat up and stared down at him " Cmon...get up " I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up. I heard a small chuckle come from his lips and smiled, I kept pulling on his arm but I couldn't pick him up " Daryyyyl " I whined and gave up

I sat at the end of the bed and stared at him, he stared right back into my eyes. I was trapped, I had gotten sucked into his eyes. I didnt notice him sit up and come towards me, untill he broke the eye contact.

I couldn't back up anymore or I would fall off the bed, so I placed my hands on the bed and stood before he got close enough. I turned and put my hair in a half decent pony tail, I walked into the living room. " We should move on to the next place we find...we cant stay here forever. " I mumbled when I heard Daryl walk past me.

" we aint got no other place to go " His voice called

" I saw an abandoned hotel up the road when I was getting bandages. We can go their.." I suggested and he looked at me

" Get the stuff packed.." Was all he said before walking to get his crossbow. I inhaled deeply and started shoving things in our bag. Yes ours. It now had his and my stuff in it.

I heard a bang on the boarded window " Hello? " it was a little girls voice, I drop the bag and quickly run to the window

" Are you okay? Listen, run around the back and I'll be standing there waiting for you okay. Hurry! "

I heard little footsteps run and i scurried to the door, opening it and a little girl with Dark brown hair immediantly hugged my legs. I shut the door quickly and locked it, patting the little girl's back.

Daryl walked up and stopped when he saw them both, I bent down to her height when she let go of my legs " Whats your name sweetie? " I tilted my head slightly

" Connor " She whispered and giggled slightly, she was actin like she was unfazed by the madness of the world.

I smiled widely " My names Beth...and that is Daryl " I pointed to him

She waddle over and hugged his leg tightly, he just stared down at her. He eventually reached down and patted her back, which made me smile more. She let go and ran back to me

" How old are you? " I asked softly and she wrapped her arms around my neck, I picked her up.

" 4 " She held up four fingers and giggled again, I laughed slightly. I fixed her shirt and brushed hair out of her face.

" Well Connor, have you ever been in a big hotel? "

She shook her head rapidly " No! "

I looked at Daryl " Thats where were heading too " he just turned and went to grab the bag. He tossed it over his shoulder

" Stay close behind me.." He mumbled and reopened the door, propping his crossbow up in front of him. He looked around and slowly lowered it and walked to the road.

Connor started sucking on her thumb as I walked with her, she laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. I was going to let her sleep, im surprised she made it this far. I wonder how long she had been on her own?

I followed behind Daryl on the road, he shot a walker in the eye that got a little to close, jogging and retreated his arrow. He ended up walking beside me, glancing at the both of us from the corner of his eyes.

I rubbed Connor's back and we reached the hotel. " This might be hard.." I whisper, afraid there will be many walkers inside

" I got it .." with that Daryl walked up to the building.

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