Chapter 16: Family Dinner with Enemies

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"A family doesn't need to be perfect; it just needs to be united,"

(Hello lovelies!!!! Thanks so much for waiting Guys!! Sorry for a long wait but anyway here is it!!!!!
Just to remind you that this chapter is NOT EDITED so please be open minded but I'll be happy to give me a comment for correction and improvement of my writings!! Please vote if you like, comments if you don't!!Thanks a lot!! Enjoy😘😘)

Lorenzo's Pov

Zac dropped me in my penthouse. I'm totally
wasted.I drown myself in too much alcohol. I dont understand  why I hate the idea that someone takes Alexa back home especially with the other guy and he choose him rather than me,"fucking hell,! I'm in rage and I want to pullout my business deal with him kill him with my bare hands.

I Remembered that I order many hard drinks and keep on drinking I even shouted at Mirassol when she bug and nagging me to go dancing like others. She wanted me to bring her home as well but I don't want her. All I think is Alexa and to go follow the bastard Jake Sauyer to beat him to death, punch him and crack on his thick head until he understand that Alexa is Mine and no ones come on my way.

I wake up in a loud ringing coming from my phone!! "I tried to open my eyes and wake up but extremely headache and As I open my eyes I dazzle with bright light coming from the wide open window.

I tried to figure out where the sound comes from, but it's irritates me because its near the door where I thrown my clothes from last night. "Thanks God its stop!" I lay back to sleep again. But after a minutes its Ring again. "Whoever you are,your so dead,!

"Who the hell are you, bugging me in my sleep!!!" I shouted without looking at the callers Id.

"MARK LORENZO MONTERRO, YOU DONT HAVE the RIGHTS TO SHOUT On me and watch you words I Didn't raise you to be like that!!".Mom angrily answered.

I freeze , My headache is gone surprisingly, my personalize ringtones for Mom didn't work? "Mom, I'm Sorry its just that I totally drunk last night and I had a terrible headache right now!"I apologize

"I'm using our telephone landlines after trying to call you on my phone a hundred times and your not answering.FYI it's almost 3'o clock Pm. So bring yourself home so we could come to McLain House soon,"she said without break. I just close my eyes not ready for a "talk".

"Did you just forgot the Dinner to McLain family, Lorenzo,? She asked after I decided not to answer her.

"No no Mom," I lied.
"You better not!", she chirped. Come on, get here as soon as possible, your Dad and I are getting ready and we're wait for you," she added.

"Can I  drive by myself?"Just sent me the address," I asked.

"No Loren__"! 
"Mom if y0ur not going to send me the address, dont expect me to show up,"I cut on her before she even disagree.

After I sent the address to my driver. A instructions to ready the car in hour and ask my maid to prepare food for me.

I returned back to bed.. I closed my eyes and then a beautiful glimpse of kitten is pop into my mind, the moment I stare in her lovely face, the way she avoided my eyes when I'm looking at her. The way she smiles and talks,When she mad, when she's happy and how graceful she moves its all in my memory like recorded tape.

A knock on my door wakes me up.. its a double shit! I fall asleep.

"WHAt?? I asked Madly.

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