A taste of Love

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Alexia point of View

Lorenzo give me the most incredible experience in my life, and thinking about it makes me feel so fluster.Pretending I fallen asleep is the best way, I cant even think  how to face him again after  that  embarasing moment.

A  loud thud and noises makes me wake. I fall asleep. I feel exhausted and tired, tried to ignored the noise but its getting louder and louder, so I grab a white blanket and cover my nakedness. I walk to the door.

I saw how they knock  him off, four or five  shadows  trie to tackled Lorenzo in the ground. I  want to scream for help but I was freeze on my spot. I cant move nor speak a sound. Thinking Lorenzo getting  killed gives me stage fright. Its was so dark.

Holding the door tightly, thinking Lorenzo death makes me feel on the verge of crying. But...

"che cazzo ragazzi" What the hell you're all doing here??

Lorenzo voice makes me jump off. He not dead. Suddenly the light turn on and its too late for me to hide. They all saw me. Lorenzo buddies and with my besfriend!

"Alexia!! A high pitch shriek of delight coming from  Sarah who running in a slow motion. Seriously? I almost knock off when she suddenly hugs me too tight. Like she never see  for ages.

"I miss you beshie" she said

"Really? You saw me the other day at  Cafe!" I retort.

"break the Sarcasm bestie,it is   but now its different you know?" She say excitedly.

"I give her "why" looks!

"Your  GETTING MARRIED isn't that cool?" She squeal. I can have my hearing damage how she howl agitatedly. She notice that I was naked. The look on her face is amused, with her mysterious smile makes me feel embarassed.

Turning  to hide it but I heard an arguments from the boys but Sarah pull me and lead me inside the room!

"Don't mind them, they won't kill each other, while
"You  need your beauty rest!".

"Come on"

Sarah and I sleep in the same bed. She told me  Lorenzo will sleep with the boys, thats why Lorenzo  arguing with them.

A knock on the door makes me wake up. I heard the water in the shower room too. "maybe Sarah having a shower".

I grab my wardrobe on the couch and open the door.

"Rise and Shine Mrs. Monterro, two sets of special breakfast in bed complimentary of Mr. Monterro.

"I smile at her "Thank you Hilly" I I saw her name in her nametag.
She place them in the bed and set the flowers and card.
She smiles at me asking if I need something else. "i'm alright thanks"
"Enjoy your Meal" she said before she left.

I read the CARD.

Goodmorning Mia Cara Alexia, ive been thinking of you in the pass 7hours and i can't wait till You'll be

I didn't notice Sarah at my back.

Awe!!! Thats so sweet! She squealed and grab the card.

"Oh my gosh, i'm right my darling Lorenzo has sweet bone... I told you, he's not heartless stone maggots".! She remarks

"Seriously SARAH? Maggots?

Oh now your defensive,

I got it, he has big hard maggots in his body you know!= she tease shes being entertain by how im so defensive and embarass.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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