She's amazing

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Adam's: POV


The 10th of June year 2013 Los Angeles

"Welcome back Adam." said Ellen. "Thank you." I replied with a smile. "So are the rumors true?" she asked. "Yes, me and Tommy adopted two kids a few years back!" I said. "You two will be wonderful partens!" replied Ellen. "Thanks!" I said.

"How's it?" she asked. "It's so great, I have always wanted a family and it feels wonderful!" I said. "There he comes!" replied Ellen. I lifted up Theo and he sat down in my lap.

"What's yout name sweetie?" asked Ellen. "Theo!" he said. "How does it feels to have a famous dad?" I asked. "Amazing!" said Theo.

"Do you have favorite song?" asked Ellen. "I love Aftermath, daddy always sing that song for me when I'm going to sleep!" he said . "Aww, so sweet!" replied Ellen with a soft smile. It was a sweet interview and everyone loved him


"I love Ellen!" said Theo when it was over. "I agre, she's amazing and down to the earth!" I replied. "Will you do more interviews with her?" asked Theo hopefully. "Yes!" I said while I drove back home.

I'm so glad you're my daddy!" he replied . "I'm so glad you're my son!" I replied.

-End of the flashback-

Aww, so sweet💕 Adam loved his son back then. I hope you liked this chapter.


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