Part 20

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21 watches curiously as the miniature Trunks coos and prattles up at her as if telling her a whole story. She sits on the couch with him on her lap, in charge of babysitting him as long as Bulma and her dad are mulling over the plans of 17 downstairs.

Baby Trunks has a tight hold of her pinky with one hand and her thumb with the other. He glares at her whenever she tries to pull away, so she relented after a few tries. His persistence reminds her of her Trunks, though her Trunks is definitely way more quiet. She finds the baby adorable though and he definitely hit a soft spot in her.

It makes her wonder though: Will she ever be able to have a family of her own? She can't tell if that was her dream before she became...this. But now, she is starting to consider if it's something she'd be comfortable with. It would be nice though, if she at least had the option. It kind of depends on her body. Would it still be able to? Somehow?

A light smack on her face snaps her out of it and she blinks as baby Trunks puffs out his cheeks at her angrily for not paying attention to him. 21 looks at him pointedly. "You must've gotten that from your dad."

He simple murmurs back at her before yawning widely. He reaches up to her, making 21 pick him up so he can curl up against her shoulder, his eyes closing quickly.

21 looks up as Krillin emerges from downstairs. "Hey. Any news?" she asks, making him shrug.

"I could hardly follow to be honest, but they're on to something alright. I'm just going to check with Goku if that's all the same to you." he tells her.

She nods. "Okay. Keep me posted." she urges. He nods before walking out.

21 sighs, reaching for the remote so she can watch TV. Maybe the news has more on Cell. And sure enough, it's clear that he's still leaving a trail of disaster behind. She hopes Piccolo and Tien find him soon.


"Hey, what's up? I heard Goku woke up. That's great!" 21 beams after Bulma hands her the phone.

"Hey, yeah. Well I thought I should let you know that he went and picked up Vegeta and Trunks with Gohan and they went over to Kami's place. You know, the watchtower." Krillin says over the phone.

"What are they going to do there?" she asks curiously.

"Well uh, there's this thing called the hyperbolic time chamber. It's let's you do a year's worth of training in a day. Basically like there being two dimensions. One year in there lasts a day out here." he tries to explain.

"Uhu." 21 nods.

"Well anyway. Trunks just stepped in with Vegeta so he told me. He and Gohan will go after." he tells her, making her eyes widen at the realization.

"Wait a minute. Are you saying Trunks is up there with his dad for a whole year?" she questions in disbelief.

"Basically, yeah." he admits.

21 can't help but have a sinking feeling in her stomach. Poor Trunks. That is going to be harsh. Will both of them make it through with killing one another? "Are you still there?" Krillin asks, making her snap out of her thoughts.

"Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, I was just surprised. That's really something." she says, having quieted down a lot.

"Hey, don't worry. Trunks is a tough guy and Vegeta, well, he's not entirely heartless. I think." he says, though sounding doubtful. "Anyway. I gotta go. Got to get some rest. We're beat after searching for Cell." he yawns.

"Okay. Talk to you later Krillin." she replies before hanging up.

She looks back at Bulma who tried to listen in as best she could. "Oh dear." she sighs worriedly.

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