☾ Chapter 32☽

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Authors note;
Extra long chapter for you all x Enjoy!
Axel pictured above^

I awoke in a confused state. My eyelids felt glued shut and my body felt numb, the feeling was unusual. It had me feeling disoriented with my current state as I attempted to create movement in my limbs, but to no avail I was motionless. This perception felt as though I was trapped, my body asleep but my mind awake. I attempted to voice my frustrations but it felt like something was constricting my throat, halting my attempt. Feeling utterly helpless was all that I could muster at this give moment, I would just have to hope that whatever this was, it wouldn't be for eternity. Maybe if I relaxed as best as I could, the strange feeling will go away. With that thought in mind, I drifted into unconsciousness.

"Do you think he'll make it?"

"Based on his current state, I believe there is a chance that he will be able to heal from this. Although it will take some time, therefore it'll be mandatory for him to stay with us for a little longer-"

"How long Doctor?"

"It's hard to determine, it depends on how fast he heals as his condition is critical."

"As you say, but I would like him out of here as soon as possible."

"We'll do what we can to heal your son and bring him back to a healthy state. In the mean time it is important that he stays in a medically induced coma in order for his vitals to be stabilized and for his body to heal on it's own."

"Why can't he heal while being awake?"

"Based on his condition, he is unable to withstand our pain medication, as this change is a- well shock to us all, we cannot at the moment determine the best treatment for his newfound change. Having him in this coma helps his body become adjusted to the abnormalities of it and of course heal without the struggle of feeling pain."

"I understand, thank you for all that you are doing."

"My pleasure, Moon Goddess."

Change of POV;

I peeled my eyes open and took in my surroundings, it wasn't the basement that I last remember being at, instead it was a normal room. A bed, which I was currently situated in, a desk that was piled with books and stationary, and a closet. I blinked and rubbed my eyes, willing myself to come to terms with where I was. Was it a dream? I pinched myself, hard. Groaning at the impact I rubbed the tender spot on my arm. Definitely not a dream. I sat up in my position on the Queen sized bed, the navy covers pooling at my waist. Looking down I realized that I wasn't wearing the clothes I had on before, instead my body was covered in a pair of grey sweats and simple white t-shirt.


Suddenly I became freaked out, if I had different clothing on... someone had definitely undressed me! I scrambled from my place on the bed and quickly made a bee line for the door that was facing the bed across the room. Grabbing the door nob, I attempted to yank the door open but was greeted with the unfortunate realization that I was indeed locked inside.

Well that's just darn perfect, I thought to myself.

I sighed and walked back and lowered myself onto the bed, my head in my hands as I wracked my brain for possible solutions. How did I get here? If I remember correctly, I remember that fucker Max having me intoxicated with Wolfsbane. But how was I alive? That poison was ruthless and an antidote was a mystery to all werewolves. Even then, how am I not in the ground, rotting away? Max would never spare my life, not even if I bargained for it. I glanced at my wrists for any sign of the shackles that burnt my wrists from the Wolfsbane. There as predicted were thick lines lacing my wrists, they held a light pink tinge of color, indicating that my wrists were indeed healing but the process was lengthy as I still felt a hint of pain when I lightly pressed on the exposed skin. The healing process would normally take a couple of hours, depending on the injury to properly heal, although I was unsure on how long I had been here for. I was confused as to why I felt physically fine and not dying from the potential poison inside me, since Wolfsbane was the reason that I felt as though I had died.

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