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Daniel: It was great to meet your girlfriend Eben.
I stopped in my tracks. Girlfriend? Girlfriend!?! He told them that I was his girlfriend! I threw open the car door and sat down. I slammed it shut.
Eben: Careful!
Carter: You told them I was your girlfriend!?!
Eben: No! Trust me that time has come and gone.
Carter: Then why did Daniel call me your girlfriend, hmm?
Eben: That's Just Daniel being Daniel. I told them that you are my friend, that's it.
Carter: Yeah. Sure.
Eben: Cart, I promise. Now, what do you think of Gabbie?
Carter: Oh my god she's terrible.
Eben: I know. Jack was thinking about breaking up with her but she wouldn't let him. Also, she slapped the taste out of my mouth while we were on tour.
Carter: Oh god!
Eben: Yeah.
When we got back I invited him in. We looked for something to watch on TV but we couldn't find anything.
Carter: She slapped you?
Eben: Who? Oh, yeah.
Carter: Why?
Eben: Well, when we were in Huston I was just playfully shoving Jack before he went on. 10 minutes later I was sitting backstage minding my own business and she comes over and slaps me. It hurt like fire.
Carter: Well she clearly hates me.
Eben: She is probably jealous.
Carter: Jealous? Of what?
Eben: You. She knows you are way prettier than she is.
Carter: You've got a point.

Eben's POV
I hug out at Carter's apartment for a little while longer. When I got back to my apartment, I saw that the boys had texted me.
~~~~~Tour Group~~~~~
Jack🍜: Carter is really nice.
Daniel🦒: She should come over more often.
Corbyn🍍: Christina is in love with her and has already followed her on literally everything.
Jonah🐳: She is pretty cool.
Zach👶🏻: She is great at math.
Corbyn🍍: She really is.
Eben🤘: Yeah. She was always good in math.
Daniel🦒: Can you give us her number?
Eben🤘: Someone's in love.
Corbyn🍍: Oooooooo
Zach👶🏻: Kissy kissy kissy!
Daniel🦒: Way to jump to conclusions, I don't know much about her and I think she's cool. That's all.
Jonah🐳: She seems like an awesome person.
Corbyn🍍: She is the most amazing person in the world.
Jack🍜: Ummm. Corbyn?
Eben🤘: Are you okay buddy?
Corbyn🍍: Sorry, that was Christina.
Eben🤘: Makes since.
Zach👶🏻: True.
Eben🤘: I'll give you guys her number later.
Jonah🐳: Okay.
Jack🍜: Is she related to Winona Ryder?
Daniel🦒: Like the actress?
Jack🍜: What other Winona Ryder.
Eben🤘: Let me ask her.
Corbyn🍍: Tell her I said hi! -Christina.
Eben🤘: She says that Winona is her aunt and she also says hi.
Zach👶🏻: That is awesome!
Jack🍜: Have her get in good with the Stranger Things kids.
Jonah🐳: We should meet them!
Eben🤘: I'll text you her numbers individually. Bye.
If I know Daniel, I can tell that he's already getting heart eyes for her. I think Jonah might be getting them too.

Carter's POV
Carter: Oh my god Ari, I am so in love with them.
Ariel: All of them.
Carter: All of them!
Ariel: My god. You need help.
Carter: Says you. You haven't even met Eben but you are deeply in love with him.
Ariel: Don't bring Eben into this. Now, it's binge watch Saturday, what are we going to watch today?
Carter: Riverdale.
Ariel: We have seen it like 4 times.
Carter: Fine, the second season of Stranger Things?
Ariel: I haven't seen it yet, sounds good.
That's what we did for the rest of 5e day and until 3am. She cried her eyes out and so did I. It was pretty fun. Right as we decided to go to bed, there was a knock at the door.
Ariel: It's 3am (yawn) Who is awake now?
Carter: Let me check.
I looked through the peephole in the door and saw...

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