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Carter's POV
Daniel: Carter? Carter!
Carter: *tired groan*
Aunt Winona:Lizzie.
Carter: *tired groan*
Aunt Winona: Sweettie they need you in hair and makeup.
Carter: *half awake* What time is it?
Daniel: Four.
Carter: Pm?
Aunt Winona: Am.
Carter: FUUUU-
Daniel: Shhhhhhh! The other guys are sleeping.
Carter: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't go back to sleep.
Aunt Winona: Joe has coffee and you can go in your onesie.
Carter: You had me at Joe!
Daniel: Ouch that-
Carter: Don't try me Seavey.
I got out of bed and practically ran to the hair and makeup trailer. All of our trailers are like a mile away from set FYI.
Joe: Thank god you're here. I haven't been able to look at the shooting list for today, I was waiting for you.
Carter: First, I want my f****g coffee.
Joe: Okay, clam down. Here.
He handed me a Starbucks cup. It was liquid gold. Daniel showed up a few minutes after me. I didn't know I could run that fast. My stylist, Angel, got to work on my hair.
Joe: Okay, looks like you and I aren't filming that much but we still should hang around set all day.
Carter: Daniel, you don't have to be awake go back to bed. I'll come get you and the guys when we leave to go to set.
Daniel: Okay, of you insist. Bye.
He kissed my forehead and left.
Joe: Now that he's gone, we have to make out 2 times today.
Carter: I'm sorry what?
Joe: Yup. And I do t know if this is true but....
He leaned over and whispered something into my ear.
Carter: THE HELL?!
Angel: I know. They were talking to me about it and seeing what I needed to do makeup and hair wise.
The problem with playing Steve's girlfriend is, Joe is like a brother to me. Also, the boys are gonna see and it's not gonna be pretty. I needed more coffee.

An hour later and I looked like a whole new person.
Joe: Steve and Chloe, ready for action.
Carter: No.
Angle: You guys look great. Now, o don't know where costumes are.
Joe: I do, c'mon Carter.
He took me to my trailer.
Joe: Costume have tents on set. I'll meet you there because, we can't all fit in the golf carts.
I walked in and turned on the lights.
Zach: What?
Jonah: Turn the lights off.
Carter: If you want to come to set, get up and get dressed.
Corbyn: 5 more minutes?
Carter: No.
Jack: I've been up. I'll take these guys, you get Daniel.
Carter: Thanks.
I walked into the bedroom and Daniel was peacefully sleeping. I got in bed next to him and tapped his shoulder.
Carter: Hey.
Daniel: Hi. Is it time to go?
Carter: Yeah.
Daniel: Okay. Give me like one minute to change.
Carter: Okay.
I turned the lights on before I left the room and went back to the living room.
Everyone was scrambling around but 60 seconds later, we were put the door and I had my 4 cup of coffee in my hand.
Jonah: Nice hair.
Carter: Thanks. I think the neon pink streaks really help.
Zach: I'm driving!
Corbyn: Nice try. You don't even have a license yet.
Zach: Well I can still drive this. Right Carter?
Carter: No.
Zach: Damn it.
I got in the passenger seat and we drove off. We played Trust Fund Baby on the radio and those boys damn nearly killed me. There voices are pure joy. When we got to set people were everywhere. I showed the boys where to get food and I went to get into my costume. It was acid washed jeans, a white shirt, and some black converse. My hair was curled but very loosely and it had neon streaks. I looked like the utmost 80s.
Matt: Okay guys gather round.
Everyone surrounded the Duffer Brothers.
Ross: I assume you all have seen the filming list for today?
Everyone: Yes.
Matt: Great. Now, everyone go to where your supposed to be.
The first scene I'm in today is Chloe and Steve picking up Dustin to go see a movie.

The day went pretty well. Most of the shots ran smoothly accept when the car ran out of gas and we had to wait like and hour for them to fix it. The kissing sevens were moved back 4 days because the sets weren't ready, thank the lord. The guys had a lot of fun too. Zach and Jack made friends with everyone, Jonah learned about the behind the scene process, Daniel loved watching me do my thing, and Corbyn was texting Christina on and off but he did like seeing the sets. That night we decided to chill out in the trailer.
Corbyn: I'm gonna miss you Carter.
Daniel: 2 months it too hard to cope with.
Zach: Especially for me.
Carter: It's not that long. It will fell like I haven't even left.
Jonah: I'm holding you to that.
Carter: Okay, well I'm goin to bed. Goodnight.
Daniel decided to sleep in the living room with the boys tonight. I opened the door to my room and before it shut...
Carter: I love y'all.

A/N: The rest of filming is gonna be social media stuff. Just a heads up!

Eben's Friend/ Why Don't WeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora