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Jack's POV
I had no idea what possessed me to say that. I guess, I've liked her since she first came over. She's just so pretty, and funny, and nice.

Carter's POV
I can't believe it. I stared into his eyes and our lips connected. It was amazing. I had never felt anything like it in my life. As our lips pulled apart I heard rustling coming from the couch. I looked over and saw Daniel's head over the top of the couch. Oh god. Jack must have seen too because he looked terrified. I walked over to him...
Carter: Daniel?
He stood up and went outside. He was crying. What have I gotten into? I looked back to see Jack crying too. I looked outside and Daniel was sitting on the grass. I ran outside and walked up next to Daniel.
Carter: Is this seat taken?
Daniel: No. *sniffles* I saw you and Jack.
Carter: You did?
Daniel: Yeah. I'm happy for you guys.
Carter: You don't seem happy.
Daniel: I'm fine.
Carter: Daniel.
Daniel: You wanna know what's wrong?!?! I like you! There! I said it! Ya happy?!
He was so upset. I felt terrible.
Carter: Daniel, why didn't you tell me?
Daniel: I thought that you would say you didn't like me. And, I didn't want to fudge anything up. But I guess it's too late now.
Carter: What do you mean it's too late now?
Daniel: Did you not see what I just saw!
Carter: Yeah but. I don't know.
Daniel: Don't know?!?! I just saw you kiss my best friend!
Now I was getting mad.
Carter: And just because you like me means I can't like other people?!
Daniel: That's not what I meant.
Carter: Yeah sure it's not. I'm leaving. Tell the boys I said bye.
Daniel: Carter. Carter. Carter!
I didn't listen to him. I called an Uber and it was 3 minutes away. I grabbed my stuff and walked outside. Daniel was still trying to get me to come back. My Uber pulled into the driveway and I hopped in. As he pulled away, I mumbeled under my breat:
Carter: Asshole.

Aunt Winona: What are you doing?
Carter: Carb loading.
Ariel: You said that you were monitoring the amount of carbs you were eating.
Carter: Well, I also said that I thought Daniel was nice. Guess I was wrong.
Aunt Winona: What happened?
I told them the entire story. Thinking back on it after some sleep, I was being so mean to Daniel.
Ariel: Eben came by earlier.
Carter: When did he come by?
Ariel: 15 minutes ago before you started your carb thing. He said to let you know that he wants to talk to you.
Carter: Okay. I'll head over to his place in a minute.
Aunt Winona: You are going now.
Carter: Fine!
I got up and went to Eben's apartment. He opened the door and pulled me into a hug.
Eben: I know you want to cry. It okay.
I burst into tears. He picked me up and put me on the sofa.
Eben: Daniel texted me. He feels terrible. How do you feel?
Carter: (sobbing) Like a d*ck!
Eben: Hey, hey. It's okay. Um.. what can we talk about. Oh! Have you thought about your role? Are you gonna take it?
Eben: Jeez. Just trying to make conversation.
There was a knock on his door. He looked confused but got up and opened the door. I had my head in my hands so I couldn't tell who it was.
Unknown : They told us she was here.
Eben: Yeah, she's in the living room.
Unknown: Okay.
Eben: Maybe Just one of you should go and see how she deals.
Unknown: I'll go.
Eben: She's right there.
I felt some sit next to me.
Corbyn: Hey.
Carter: What?
Corbyn: I woke up and you were gone. When Daniel told u-
Carter: Did he tell everyone on the goddamn planet!?!
Corbyn: No. But he told the inner circle. But, he felt like a jerk. How are you doing?
Carter: Is this therapy or what. It's none of your business!
Corbyn: Carter. I'm just trying to make things better.
Carter: Well, you aren't doing a good job.
Corbyn: Well I tried. I do think I know someone who could help though.
He got up and someone else took his spot.
Carter: If I look up and it's Daniel, you better run!
Christina: Well, I'm happy that I'm not Daniel then.
Carter: Sorry Christina.
Christina: It's fine. But your gonna have to get over this Okay? We have dinner tonight and I invited you aunt and roommate. It's a big thing. Especially because I know you have made a decision on your acting offer.
Carter: How?
Christina: Listen, I have seen a lot of girls go through this. But you are way worse than anyone I've ever seen.
Carter: Ouch that hurt.
Christina: You just quoted Daniel.
Carter: Sh*t. I guess I'll go. But, I don't want to be by Daniel.
Daniel: Now that hurt.
Christina: I'm gonna let y'all work this out. Dinner's at 6.
She got up and left. I stood up and saw Daniel standing across the room from me. You could barely see his eyes because he had cried so much.
Carter: What.
Daniel: I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. I just hated seeing you with my friend. It made me sad because I thought that I messed up my chance with you.
Carter: I get it. But, I feel like a bad person too. I should have told you earlier.
Daniel: Told me what?
Carter: That I like you. But, before you get your hopes up, I also like Jack.
Daniel: I understand that. Do you think any of the other boys like you?
Carter: Like you would tell me.
Daniel: I would. Do you think they do?
Carter: Zach definitely does.
Daniel: He's not that good at hiding it. Who else?
Carter: Maybe Jonah. But not Corbyn.
Daniel: Right and wrong. Corbyn's go a little thing for you but not a big thing.
Carter: Damn.
Daniel: Must I say it gain?
Carter and Daniel: Ouch that hurt!
We laughed.
Daniel: I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?
Carter: Of corse. And I'm sorry too. How are things between you and Jack?
Daniel: Fairly good actually.
Carter: Good. Now come over here.
He came over to me and we hugged. The door to the living room opened and everyone poked their heads in. We signaled them to come in and we started a group hug.

Daniel and I hug out for most of the day. He had to leave because the boys were leaving. Aunt Winona really likes him. Oh, I forgot. I am now 100% sure of my decision. For dinner I put on a Why Don't We crop top, some high waisted black jeans, and some black combat boots.

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Eben volunteered to dive my crew to the restaurant

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Eben volunteered to dive my crew to the restaurant. As we were walking to where his car was parked I whispered into Ariel's ear:
Carter: Tomorrow night, we are eating ramen.
Ariel: Agreed.
After a fight I've Who got shotgun, I won. We were headed to the restaurant and we were talking.
Aunt Winona: I'm excited to hear your choice.
Eben: Me too.
Ariel: I'm just here for the food.
As we got to the restaurant we could see the boys waiting outside. I got out of the car and I ran over to the boys. Daniel picked me up and spun me around.
Carter: Did you tell me what you told them?
Daniel: What do you mean?
Carter: About who likes who.
Daniel: Yeah actually.
Jonah: Were good with you knowing.
Christina: Corbyn and I had a fight over who could go out with you first.
Carter: You guys are so cute.
Zach: Who's that?
Carter: Ariel.
Zach: I know that. I just can't believe it's her.
Jack: Did y'all date?!
Zach: No... Ariel!
She had just walked up.
Ariel: Hey Zach.
Eben: Whats going on?
Zach: She's my cousin.
Everyone: Ooooh.
Aunt Winona: I'm hungry, let's go in.
Corbyn: Good idea.
The food was amazing. It was this nice Italian place (not Olive Garden). Finally, it was time to spill the beans.
Cater: As you all know, I have been offered a role in the 3rd season of Stranger Things. It has been hard for me to decided if I wanted to take it or not for obvious reasons. But, I have settled on one. Ladies and gentlemen, I, gonna be in Stranger Things!

A/N: I just want y'all to know that in the time it took me to write this, Eben liked my tweet. Also Bella_love_whydontwe almost made me cry while I was reading her story so go read it. It is amazing. Ok love y'all. Don't forget to comment and vote!

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