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Carter's POV
Ariel: Wait, he did what?
It's binge watch Sunday and we were sitting in the couch waiting for our food and Eben to show up.
Carter: Yeah! It's insane! And kinda romantic.
Ariel: My lord Liz. You need help.
Carter: No I don't. I can't help it if I'm hella cute. Zach seems to really have the hots for me.
Carter: I know.
Eben: I have food!
Carter: Thank god. It's your turn to pick. We finished Riverdale and Stranger Things.
Eben: How about Gravity Falls?
Ariel: Sounds good. You know what also sounds good? You giving us the food.
Eben: Oh, Yeah, sorry.
He jumped over the back of the couch and got under the blanket with me. I may or may not have cried at the end of the second season. It was really fun.
Ariel: I'm gonna get the shower.
Carter: Okay. Do you want me to on water for ramen?
Ariel: Is that even a question, yes!
Eben: Me too please!
Carter: Okay.
I set everything up for our ramen. I turned around and Eben scared me.
Eben: What are you gonna do about the boy situation?
Carter: Well, we have to figure out the order.
Eben: You're really going through with this?
Carter: There's no other way is there?
I walked out of the kitchen and he followed.
Eben: You could just pick one. Pick the one you like the best and date them.
Carter: The thing is, I don't know witch one I like the most. That's why I'm doing this.
Eben: Then pick none of them. It's that simple! Have one none!
Carter: You don't understand.
Eben: I don't understand, you're right. But I understand you.
Carter: I'm confused.
Eben: I don't know the situation but I know you. And I know you don't want to do this.
Carter: Well I have to, okay? You're right I don't want to but I have to.
He pulled me into him. I looked him in the eyes and he kissed me.
Carter: Eben. We can't. That was then.
Eben: I get it. But I can't kiss you out of friendship?
I giggled and realized that the water was boiling. He helped me make the ramen and we sat down and started eating. Ariel came out with freaking out.
She ran and grabbed the pot, a fork, and her book bag and ran back to her room Eben and I started cracking up.

Zach's POV
Daniel: We need to figure out some kind of order.
Corbyn: We also need to figure out a span of time.
We have been talking about this all day and still haven't come up with anything.
Jonah: We should let her pick. We are kinda making her do this.
Zach: Yeah. What do you think Jack?
We all looked at him and he was passed out on the sofa. Typical Jack.
Daniel: Lets Have her over for a sleepover!
Everyone else: NOOOOO!
Daniel: Why?
Corbyn: Remember what happened last time?
Daniel: Ooooooh. Right. We should meet up with her tomorrow.
Jonah: Good idea. We should go to Olive Garden.
Zach: I've been craving some endless soup and salad! I'll text her.

Zach: The boys and I are going to Olive Garden tomorrow. You down?
Beautiful💐: It depends. Finn is coming in and staying at my place.
Zach: We would be there at about 12. Sounds good?
Beautiful💐: Sounds awesome. Finn's flight lands at 3:30.
Zach: Do you need us to pick you up?
Beautiful💐: No but thanks for offering. I have a meeting in the morning, so I'm coming straight from there.
Zach: Okay. Good night beautiful.😘

Carter's POV
Carter: They want me to go to Olive Garden with them and I said yes.
Eben: Good for you!
I asked him to stay over and he was down. We were hanging out in my room.
Carter: No not good! What if they fight again?
Eben: You can't always be worried that they will fight.
Carter: I know it's just...
I felt tears start running down my face.
Eben: Stop Carter. They aren't gonna fight, but if they do get up and leave. It's that simple.
Carter: No it's not.
Eben: Look, you tell me what Olive Garden you are going to and I'll find a gas store or something near it so you can come to me. I'll even have Ari come too.
Carter: She has classes tomorrow. Monday is her busiest day.
Eben: Okay so who else?
Carter: I would say Finn but he will get here at 3:30 and we are going at noon.
We got under the covers and he pulled me in and hugged me.
Eben: You'll be fine. And if not, you can block them, cut them out of your life in every way. Okay?
Carter: You're the best Eben.
Eben: Thanks Lizzie Bizzie.
Carter: I liked shopping cart more.
He kissed my forehead and I turned out the light.

A/N: I've trying new things with the texting and I think I like what I've done in this chapter. What do you think is gonna happen with Carter and the boys? Don't forget to C&V! Love y'all!

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