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Zach's POV
Eben: You better not screw this week up. It's her birth week.
Zach: Really?!?!
Eben: Yep. She'll be 19.
Jonah: Is that technically legal?
Corbyn: He's 16 Why would it not be?
Jonah: You've got a point.
Daniel: Go get em tiger!
Zach: Alright. See y'all in a week!
The boys walked down the hall to the elevator and Eben walked back to his apartment. I knocked on the door and Carter opened it.
Zach: Hi!
Carter: Come on in!
I stepped in and it was kind of a mess.
Carter: Sorry the place is a mess. Finn slept on the pull out couch and left a huge mess. I had to leave before he did and I guess he couldn't be bothered.
Zach: It's fine. What do you want to do?
Carter: I don't know.
Zach: Well, I could use a new Instagram post and I was thinking...
Carter: Oaky!
The final result was pretty good if I do say so myself.

iamzachherron: Carter: It looks like I'm trying to tell your mouth a secret

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iamzachherron: Carter: It looks like I'm trying to tell your mouth a secret. We should restate it. Me: If you want to kiss me again you can.
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Carter's POV
Carter: Noooo! Don't post that!
Zach: And it's posted.
Carter: Zaaaach!
Zach: It's a cute picture.
Carter: Of you!
Zach: And you.
Carter: What ever. Let's do something.
Zach: Swimming?
Carter: Sounds good.
I walked to my room and found the perfect thing. It was a black and white bikini that was high waisted.

 It was a black and white bikini that was high waisted

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Zach: Woah.
Carter: Thanks? Come on.
We grabbed towels and raced each other to the elevator. I made it right as the doors were about to closed so I pressed the button and they closed on him. I laughed and the people in the elevator were pretty alarmed. One of them was Eben.
Eben: Ummm. What was that for?
Carter: (out of breath) Well, you see. We were racing to the elevator and I wanted to win so I closed the door and him.
Eben: That's Nice.
He got off on the floor before the roof, where the pool is, he was going to the gym. He ran out of the elevator and jumped into the pool. No one else was there to yell at me so you know. A few minutes later, Zach walked out of the elevator.
Zach: I hate you.
Carter: Same b*tch!
Zach: Stop.
Carter: (swimming to the edge of the pool) Make me dumbass.
He crashed his lips into mine and I pulled him into the pool. When he finally popped back up, I was laughing like a crazy person.
Zach: Are you trying to kill me?
Carter: Why would I be? Your the baby of the group, I couldn't kill the baby.
I pinched his cheek and he swatted my hand away and swam away from me. I felt bad so I went up behind him and put my arms around his shoulders.
Carter: (whispering into his ear) I love you baby Zachy.
He fell back onto me forcing me int9 the water. He pulled me up and I was coughing up water he was laughing his ass off.
Zach: I love you too baby girl.
Carter: This is boring.
Zach: O don't know. It's a nice sight.
Carter: ZaCh! You are 16. Calm down.
Zach: That's not... that ... that's not what I meant.
Carter: Okay. Yeah. Sure.
Zach: Be quiet!
Carter :Okay.
Zach: Wow. This is some kinda view.
Carter: Me or the city of LA?
Zach: Both. Wait, wait, wait! Noooo!
Carter: Oh my god! You are terrible.
Zach: Stop it!
Carter: Okay, okay I'll stop... Lover boy.
He shoved me into the pool. I got out, grabbed a towel, walked over to Zach, and wrapped him and myself in the towel. We stood there looking at LA in the early afternoon and it was amazing. My phone went off and it was Ariel.

The Little Mermaid 🧜🏻‍♀️: Are you guys done having sex, it's boring in here all alone. It's also really messy.

Zach: Who's that?
He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder.
Carter: It's Ariel. She is bored.
Zach: Me too, I'm also hungry.
Carter: Let's go back downstairs.
Zach: Can I carry you down?
Carter: Why would you want t... You know what, go for it.
He picked me up bridal style and we rode the elevator, walked down the hall, and walk into the apartment that way.
Zach: Get over yourself. I'm gonna go get in the shower. I love you.
Carter: Love you too.
He kissed me cheek and left. Ariel looked at me and she was stunned.
Ariel: You're dating my cousin!?!
Carter: At the current moment Yes.
Ariel: At the current moment?!
Carter: Long story. What's going on with you?
Ariel: We should sit down.
We flung ourselves onto the sofa, like we do, and she started.
Ariel: So you know how my parents are devorced.
Carter: And your Dad married this asshole of a woman and your mom is sleeping around, yeah I know.
Ariel: You forgot ab-
Carter: And your mom has like 3 other kids excluding you.
Ariel: Okay, so this is were things get complicated. So my mom finally found a person she thinks is gonna work and come to find out she's pregnant with his kid. Baby 5 yay. Anyway, my Dad cheated on my stepmom and got the girl pregnant. Aaaand, he got my step mom pregnant too.
Carter: Wow, that's a lot.
Ariel: That's not even the worst part. So, the guy that my mom is screwing is named Alan. My dad screwed my stepmom, Tarah and he also screwed Clara. Now, my aunts names are Tarah and Clara. Come to find out, he married my mom's sister and got my aunt pregnant.
Carter: Okay, is there anything else?
Ariel: My mom is getting married to my dad's best friend slash stepbrother slash Zach's Dad.
Carter: So that ,airs Zach your..
Zach: Stepbrother.
Ariel: Yeah. So anything big happen with you?
I just sat there in shock. But, I guess since she already knew and I trust Zach, I was gonna tell her.
Carter: I came out to Jack.
Ariel: That's great! Oh my god! Zach do you know?
Zach: No, what?
Carter's I'm bi. It's not that big of a deal. I told Jack to tell all the boys and tell them not to make a big deal about it.
Zach:Well, Okay. How about we do nothing but watch movies for the rest of the day.
Carter: Sounds Great.
And that's what we did. All day long

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