~45 (Epilogue)~

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Carter' POV
(3 years later)
Carter: Hey Jack and Zach! Thanks for coming.
Zach: We wouldn't miss it.
Jack: I can't believe it's her first dance recital.
Carter: Yeah she's really excited. Hold on a second.
I turned and saw Flynn and Owen were running up and down the row and Owen kept almost falling.
Carter: Flynn! Get your brother and sit down!
Flynn: But mama!
Carter: Do it.
I turned back to Jack and Zach.
Carter: Today hasn't been stressful at all.
Jack: We're gonna go get some food and we'll be right back.
Carter: Okay.
They walked out the doors of the theater. As they walked out Jonah and his son, Alex, came in.
Jonah: Hey Carter.
Carter: Hey Jonah.
I hugged him and waved down to my son. So a month after Flynn was born Jonah came up to me and told me that he wanted to be a parent. I asked him if he had asked a girl to be the mother and he said he that he wanted me to be the mother. I talked to Corbyn about it and he said that he was fine with it. And then 9 months later, Jonah and I had Alex Ryder Marais.
Carter: Hey Alex.
He was very shy and hid behind Jonah.
Jonah: Tell Mama hi.
Alex: Hi.
Carter: If you want you can go hang out with Flynn and Owen if you want.
He ran past us to get to the boys. Jonah and I just laughed.
Daniel: Sorry I'm a little late. Traffic sucks.
Carter: It's fine. Is Isabella backstage with Juniper?
Daniel: Yup. I'm guessing Corbyn's back there as well.
Charter: No. He's on his way here. He just texted me and told me that he's about 5 minutes away.
Daniel: Good.
Jonah  I heard Eben couldn't make it.
Carter: Yeah. Ariel's about 8 months pregnant and they would have to travel a lot and she doesn't want to do that. Ya know, just in case.
Jonah: Yeah.
Jack: What's up guys!
We talked for a little while and when Corbyn got there. We all sat down.
Carter: The daddy daughter dance is my favorite even though I haven't seen it yet.
Corbyn: It's pretty good.
Zach: It's gonna be hilarious to see you in a costume.
Jack: What is it too?
Carter: You'll See. Won't they Daniel?
Daniel: Don't remind me.
Jonah: Your in it too!
Daniel: Yes. Juniper and Anakin are only like 4 months apart.
Jonah: Yeah.
Carter: Flynn, come see.
He sulked over to us.
Flynn: Yes mommy?
Carter: Don't close your brother in a chair please. Go get him and come sit right here.
Flynn: But mooooooooommy!
Corbyn: Go do what your mom said son.
Flynn: Fine.
He stomped over and pulled Owen out of the chair and Owen ran to me and sat on my lap. The lights dimmed and it was time to start. By the end of the first half, Ana had been on stage 3 times with 1 more to go. Corbyn and Daniel got up and went backstage to get ready.
Jonah: I'm gonna take Alex to the bathroom.
Carter: Okay. Can you take Owen too.
Jonah: Sure,
He took Owens hand and they left to go to the bathroom.
Jack: This is so cute. Zach, we should have a kid.
Zach: Jack, babe, we can't do that. We're both dudes.
Jack: Hey Carter, you're a girl.
Carter: Just because I did that for Jonah doesn't mean I'm gonna give birth to every member of Why Don't We's kids. You could just adopt.
Zach: Or, we could just have dogs and be happy with that.
Jack: But, never mind.
Isabella: Hey guys!
Carter: Hey!
Isabella is my friend since when my family moved to Virginia. She came to Corbyn and I's wedding and met Daniel. They fell in love and within a year she had moved to LA and moved in with Daniel and the guys. They got married and had their daughter Juniper and now she's pregnant with their second.
Carter: The dances are so cute.
Isabella: I can't wait for you guys to see the daddy daughter dance. Its their hip hop dance and it's the best.
Jack: Do you know what it's to?
Isabella: Yeah But I cant tell you.
Zach: Why?
Carter: You'll find out.
Jonah and the kids came back and Owen sat down on my lap again.
Owen: Hi mommy.
Carter: Hi baby. Did you see your sister dancing?
Owen: Yeah! She looks really pretty.
Flynn: Do she doesn't! She looks bad.
Carter: Flynn!
Flynn: Sorry.
Owen: I think she looks nice.
Carter: That's nice of you to say.
Flynn: Where's Dad?
Carter: He's backstage getting ready for his dance with your sister.
Isabella: We're gonna leave after that and get food. Are y'all down?
Jonah: Sounds good to me, what do you think bud?
Alex: Yeah.
Jack: We're down.
Carter and Isabella: Great!
The lights flickered showing that everyone should get to their seat. When they turned off and the curtain opened, Air of the Night started playing. Jonah, Zach, and Jack all started freaking out. Silently of course. Then the craziest thing happened, Corbyn started singing and dancing. They had planned it that they would only dance to the first verse and chorus of the song so Corbyn and Daniel could sing it. It was so cute because none of them could smooth step when the time came.
Jonah: We should make Alex do dance.
Carter: I already signed him up.
We fist bumped and turned our attention back to the stage. When the song was over we all got up and walked out to the lobby. We made sure everyone was with us and then we went to wait by the doors to backstage. Out came Ana in a big smile.
Anakin: Mommy, mommy, mommy! Did you see me?
Carter: Yes baby you did amazing.
Flynn: These are from me and Owen. You did good idiot.
Anakin: Thanks dork.
Corbyn: Did ya like.
Jonah: That was amazing dude.
Corbyn: Thanks. It was Daniel's idea.
Daniel: It was.
Isabella: You did great babe.
Daniel: Thanks.
Carter: Juniper, you did great.
Juniper: Thank you.
Corbyn: I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry. Who wants pizza?
Children: Meeeeee!
We all got in our cars and drove to our favorite pizza place. Dinner was great and on the way home, all of the kids accept for Anakin has fallen asleep. We got home and split up.
Corbyn: I'll bring the boys inside, go help her take off that makeup.
Carter: Okay.
I walked her up the stairs and to her room. She put on her pjs and then met me in the bathroom her and the other two share. I took her makeup off and then she brushed her teeth. I carried her to her bed and tucked her in.
Anakin: Can *yawn* you and dada sing me my *yawn* song?
Carter: Sure. Let me go get him.
I walked in the hall and he was already waiting.
Corbyn: Hey baby. You did great.
Anakin: Thanks. I'm sleepy, can you sing me my song?
Corbyn: Sure sweetie.
He grabbed his guitar and started strumming. After a few chords, we started singing...
Caterpillar in the tree, how you wondered who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream
Wish you Amy and wish you might
Don't you worry hold on tight
I promise you that there will come a day
Butterfly fly away

Butterfly fly away (butterfly fly away)
Got your wings now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true

Butterfly fly away (butterfly fly away)
You've been waiting for this day
All along you know just what to do

Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly away

She had fallen fast asleep and we quickly left the room. We were sitting on the couch rewatching Stranger Things and we were cuddled up under a blanket.
Corbyn: Did you know I love you?
Carter: You may have said it a few times.
Corbyn: It's been so long since we met, you realize that right.
Carter: Yeah and so much has happened.
Corbyn: Do you even remember how we met?
Carter: Well, it all started because I was, and still am, Eben's Friend

La Fin

A/n: Thank you guys so much for reading Eben's Friend. A special thank you to everyone who has been with me since the very being. I couldn't do any of this with out the support of my friends and readers so thank you guys! I also want to say thank you to the Why Don't We boys and Eben for being amazing human beings. It's been a fun ride but this is the end of Eben's Friend. Ok, I'm gonna stop now. I love each and everyone of you guys and thank you soooooooo much for reading!❤️❤️

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