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Christina's POV
(1 week ago)
Corbyn😘: Hey babe.
Christina: Hi! How ya doing?
Corbyn😘: I'm ok. Are you in class right now?
Christina: Its 5:00 on a Saturday, no.
Corbyn😘: Can we FaceTime?
Christina: Hell Yeah. Warning: I'm not wasting any makeup and my hair is a mess.
Corbyn😘: You act like that's a big deal.
Christina: You've got a point.

Corbyn: Hey Babe!
Christina: Hey. You look upset. What's the matter?
Corbyn: I didn't wanna text you this but... we need to talk.
Christina: I figured that this was gonna happen.
Corbyn: What do you mean?
Christina: I knew that hanging around Carter would eventually end up like this.
Corbyn: What?
Christina: You're breaking up with me. I understand. I would break up with me for Carter too.
Corbyn: It's not just Carter.
Christina: Then What is it.
Corbyn: You love across the country. You didn't think this was gonna work out in the end did you?
Christina: A little part of me hoped it would. But I understand.
Corbyn: So you're not pissed?
Christina: Nope. I'm coming to LA next week though, I'll come get my stuff from your place.
Corbyn: Are you sure?
Christina: Yes. I love you Corbyn. You deserve to be happy.
Corbyn: So do you. I love you too. Bye.
Christina: Bye.

(A week later)
Eben told me that he need someone that Carter trusted to be at Olive Garden. Now, I love me some Olive Garden so I was happy to oblige. He said to keep an eye on her so she didn't get freaked out or if something bad happened to help her. I saw her go into the bathroom and I followed. I know what it looked like.

Carter's POV
Carter: Are you stalking Corbyn? He said you were totally chill on the phone.
Christina: I was here to visit a friend and get my stuff from the boys house. Eben told me that you would need emotional support because you know...
Carter: Can we talk about this later? Or never?
Christina: Look, I'm happy Corbyn likes you. If you don't need me, I'm gone. But I still wanna be friends.
Carter: Oh, we definitely will. What time is it?
Christina: 2:30. Why?
Carter: Sh*t! I gotta go!
I somewhat ran out of the bathroom and back to the table.
Carter: I'll get back to you guys tonight. I gotta bounce.
Daniel: Okay.
Jack: Tell Finn we said hi!
Carter: Will do. Love y'all.
Boys: Love you too.
I speed walked out of there and into my car. My car is one of those one's you can hook your phone up to and it'll read your texts and you can answer call and all that good sh*t. I was pulling out of the parking lot and the car said that Eben was calling.
Carter: What do you want?
Eben: Sooo, how did it go?
Carter: Well, I went to the bathroom to calm down and Christina showed up and said you sent her in... Move Asshole!
Eben: Wha- oooooh. Your driving.
Carter: Yeah. I have to get Finn from the airport. He didn't want the press knowing he was here so he came up with this idea to look weird and I have to call him Mike Henderson. Like that's not obvious!
Eben: Well, I wanna know if anything happened with you the g- DANIEL! GOVE ME MY PHONE!
Daniel: Hey!
Carter: How much of our conversation have you heard?
Corbyn: Nothing mu- Zach stop!
Carter: Can I talk to Eben please?
Corbyn: Sorry, Yeah.
He handed the phone back to Eben. We talked for a while then I got to the airport.
Eben: Have fun with Mike Henderson.
Carter: He'd love to meet you again.
Eben: Who wouldn't? Bye Shopping Cart.
Carter: Bye Oboe.
Eben: That's new.
Carter: I like it.
Jonah: Me too!
Carter: Byeeeeeeeee!
I hung up and got out of the car. When Finn said he would be incognito, I didn't think he meant completely obvious that it was him.
Finn: Hurry. We gotta get out of here.
Carter: Go, go, go!
We sprinted out of the airport and into my car and I drove away. Finn took off his ridiculous outfit.
Finn: So, I'm staying at a hotel now. I heard about the drama and I have hella meetings.
Carter: Damn it. Oh well.
Finn: Okay then. Also, Noah is sad.
Carter: Why?
Finn: His sister to.d him it was illegal for you guys to date. He is like hardcore sad.
Carter: I'll call him later.
Finn: I was kidding about the whole hotel thing by the way.
Carter: Great! You do realize you will be sleeping on the couch right?
Finn: I wouldn't have it any other way.
He threw his stuff down and pulled out the sofa. He knows the drill. I went to my room and looked at my white board. I had written out all the possibilities for weeks and O had to fin the one I like best. Then I thought about when it was. It was almost July. In fact, it'll be July tomorrow and it'll be Jack's birthday too. I put two and two together and the idea came to me.
Carter: Jack will start tomorrow. After him, Zach. Then Jonah, Corbyn, and finally Daniel. Sound good?
Jack the noodle: Best birthday present ever.

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