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Carter's POV
These past couple days with Corbyn have been awesome. He shook me awake this morning and when I turned over his blue eyes met mine and he kissed me.
Corbyn: Get up, I have a surprise.
Carter: What is it?
Corbyn: If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?
I got up and he dragged me out of my room. The surprise was...
Corbyn: Surprise!
Carter: What is this?
Corbyn: Move the blanket and you'll see.
I pulled back the blanket and saw Ariel and Eben curled up together fast asleep.
Carter: Awwwwwww! We should leave them alone.
Cobyn: Wanna go get coffe?
Carter: Corbyn?! I'm in pjs. I can't go out like this.
Corbyn: Here.
He too off his hoodie and pulled it over my head.
Corbyn: There. Now it just looks like your being trendy.
I grabbed my keys and walked toward the door. Before we left I turned to him and said...
Carter: You have great taste in hoodies.
It was a Stranger Things hoodie.
Corbyn: I try.
We drove to Starbucks and got our coffee. I got an iced almond milk latte. They are so yummy. When we got back I saw Ariel sit up. We made eye contact with me and shoved Eben onto the floor.
Eben: What the f*ck!
He looked up and saw me and Corbyn.
Eben: Oh. Um, hi?
Carter: Y'all are so cute!
Ariel: Did you get me coffee?
Carter: Sorry no. You were too busy cuddling with Eben.
Eben: How did you know?
Corbyn: Learn how to be sneaky.
Eben: Sh*t. Well, I'm gonna go home. Bye Ariel.
He blew her a kiss and walked to the door. He kissed me on the cheek and left. Ariel scoffed and went to her room.
Corbyn: Well, we have another 20 hours 36 minutes and 48 seconds left together. What should we do?
Carter: Hmmmm. How about, kiss, I do your make up, make out for a bit, and watch a romcom?
Corbyn: I like all of them accept the makeup part.
Carter: How about we do your make up or all of that goes down the drain and you get no more kisses from me.
Corbyn: Fine.
Carter: Step one, ki-
He smashed his lips against mine. I got goosebumps, goosebumps! He is a great kisser. After that, I did his makeup. He looked beautiful besides his mascara was kinda crazy.
Corbyn: Take your pictures now because in 30 seconds, I'm washing this off.
I took about 39 pictures before he ran into my bathroom and started whipping it off. I was sitting on my bed when out of no where I heard singing. I looked up and there was Corbyn singing something different. There was a knock on the door and Ariel came in.
Ariel: Could you shut up please. Thanks.
She walked out and slammed the door. She's PMSing.
Corbyn: Well then.
Carter: It was a good idea in theory.
Corbyn: Thanks. Now about that make out sesh...
Carter: Get your ass over here.
After about 5 minutes of kissing we decided to stop. I was scrolling though Netflix to find something to watch. I found a movie called The Kissing Booth and we decided to watch it. It was go fricken good. After that was over we had time to kill so we watched Riverdale. After dinner I fell asleep in his arms. Four boys down, one to go. Last but certainly not least, Daniel.

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