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Carter's POV
We are a week away from the end of filming and I'm both happy and sad. We all got off early tonight and Noah decided to take me out. The Duffers let us barrow one of the cars that we have. It's a long drive there and back so we I left my charter makeup on. It was really fun actually, we saw a movie and then went bowling. I've never seen Noah more happy in his life. He had a huge smile on his face the entire night. We got back to set pretty late and he walked me to my trailer.
Noah: I had a great time with you tonight. Thanks for hanging with me.
Carter: I thought we were on a date, not hanging out.
Noah: That's what I meant. Anyway it was fun. Goodnight princess.
He started to walk away but I grabbed his arm.
After: What about a goodnight kiss for your princess?
He turned around and looked stunned.
Noah: Okay!
He looked me dead in the eyes and lightly pecked my lips. I did the same. He was smiling like I've never seen before.
Carter: Was that your first kiss?
Noah: Yup. Goodnight.
He skipped off toward his trailer.

CartER: That's a wrap on season 3! I'm gonna miss my Stranger Things fam so much. I'm headed back ti LA for some quality time with my boys though! Check my Insta for something big!



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Carter.: Bye Bye black hair. Hello blonde✨. Photo Cred: AriArt.
Like by whydontwemusic, dacermotgomery, and 200,518 others.
User1: I kinda like the blonde more.
Seaveydaniel: Damn!
Corbynbesson: Your shirt is falling off your shoulder my dear.
lizzakoshy: I'm living for the blonde! We need to hang out soon, I need content.
User2: Carter and Liza know each other?!
Carter.: We go pretty far back. Family friends.
ebenofficial: You never told me you were friends with Liza!
BeautyChickeee: I am in awe.
User3: Where is Noah?
Noahschnapp: Right here User3. I love the hair babe.
therealcaledmclaughlin: It works for you.
AriArt: Thanks for the photo credit.
Carter.: No problem.
Corbynbesson: Pull your sleeve up!
Carter.: No Corbynbesson! that's how it's supposed to be!

A/N: She's back in LA! Things are about to go down.

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