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Carter's POV
Corbyn: How did you do that?!
Carter: 10 years of gymnastics and swimming.
Daniel: Cool.
We swam for an hour and then the clouds rolled in. Soon enough it was pouring rain. Jack grabbed my arm and put his towel over our heads and we started running toward the house. Zach made it to the door and pulled it, it didn't budge.
Jonah: Really Zach. You forgot how to open the door. Let me try.
He tired and it didn't budge. The other boys tried and it didn't work for them either.
Carter: Let me try.
I looked at the door and saw the lock. I turned it and pulled open the door. We all ran inside and collapsed on the sofa. Everyone made eye contact and started laughing. As if on cue, Zach put his arm around my shoulders.
Carter: Y'all keep it so cold in here.
Jonah: We all should probably change. Did you bring normal clothes?
Carter: Yeah.
The boys went up to change and I changed in the bathroom downstairs. I didn't realize when I grabbed them this morning, but I grabbed the outfit Corbyn gave me last time I was here. Too late now. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Jack and Zach looking at Netflix?
Carter: What cha lookin for?
Jack: A good movie to watch.
Zach: I want to watch something funny but Jack...
Carter: I get it. Why don't we ask the other guys what they want to watch.
Jack and Zach: Really Carter?
Carter: What did I say? Oh.
The other guys came down and they all wanted to watch something scary. I was a little bit sad that we couldn't watch something funny. I get scared so easily but I wasn't about to let the boys know that.
Jack: We should have a movie marathon!
Daniel: Carter should stay over!
Carter: I think y'all are forgetting my Aunt in in town.
Corbyn: She let you come here didn't she?
Carter: Good point. I guess I'll stay.
They all got really happy. Zach ran to get all the blankets and pillows from around the house. Jack went to order pizza and Daniel and Jonah went to make popcorn and get candy. That left me and Corbyn.
Corbyn: I don't think I'm ever gonna get that outfit back am I?
Carter: Nope. It's comfortable.
Corbyn: It looks good on you.
Carter: Woah there buddy. You've got a girlfriend.
He chuckled slightly. All I could do was stare into his wonderful blue eyes. He looked back at me and then we were hit by a wave of........ pillows and blankets.
Zach: Let's sleep in here!
He laid out the blankets on the floor and couch. Daniel, Jack and, Jonah came back and we all found spots. Jack, Zach, and Jonah were on the floor and on the couch, from left to right, it was Daniel, Me, and Corbyn. We decided on 47 Meters Down. And you know, it's not like I am deathly afraid of most things or anything. About 10 minutes into the movie, I lost it. I hid my face under the blanket I was using. I poked my head back out and was scared again. I nuzzled my head into Daniel's chest. He ran his fingers through my hair and wrapped his arms around me.
Carter: (Whispering) Who Let is pick this ?
Daniel: (Whispering) You. If you didn't want to you could have said something.
By the end of the movie, Zach's face was stained with tears, Jonah was scared for life, and Corbyn and I were dangerously close to holding hands.
Carter: High School Musical!
Corbyn: Hell yeah!
Zach: I'm going to bed.
Jack: It's past your bedtime.
Zach shot him a look, flipped him off and left the room. We put on the first High School Musical and started singing the songs. I sound like a dying chipmunk when I sing so it wasn't that good. By the end everyone was asleep. Or so I thought. I got up to go to the bathroom when...
Jack: Where ya goin'?
Carter: The bathroom.
Jack: Okay. You know where it is right?
Carter: Yep.
I got out of the bathroom and saw Jack at the kitchen counter.
Carter: What are doing?
Jack: I can't sleep. What are you doing?
Carter: Do you want me to tell you the truth?
Jack: I mean yeah.
Carter: I'm suppressing the urge to kiss you.
Jack: Why don't you.
Carter: Why don't I what?
He walked over to me and grabbed my chin and pulled our faces close.
Jack: Kiss me.

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