Part 1: Awakening - Ch.1

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As long as anyone remembered, there were always three phases in everyone's life. Those phases could not be seen or reached by will, but only pass through one by one. First - the most innocent, sweet and fun one is - childhood. It's an amazing phase, full of light, laughter, fun and excitement. Second, darker, more opportunistic, challenging and serious is - adulthood. And the last one, the third one, the complete one - the elder state. Every person creates his own path and walks the way of his destiny which he is given by faith itself. Choosing among many roads, we walk through life, through phases, through challenges, through good and bad. We build up and change, we fall down and rise again, and we became the person we will be.

The change is inevitable, all you have to do is relax and let it leads you forward because if you fight it, you will lose your energy, you will be unhappy and stuck in the same place for a long time, but sooner or later, you will be pushed and you will fall, head down, into the abyss. To some, change from childhood to adulthood is easy and good, they welcome it, and they are ready, but there are some who cling to the old phase in fear of the unknown, with no courage to jump that leap of faith. One of those people was a boy named Jin.

Jin was a very beautiful boy who was afraid to grow up

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Jin was a very beautiful boy who was afraid to grow up. He wanted to stay young forever. He acted childish, even though he was 16 years old. He loved to play, have fun, collect toys and act cute and sweet. He thought that the adults were boring and their world scared him. His parents didn't like the way he acted and were often telling Jin that he should take his life more seriously. They were worried about his future and didn't want him to suffer and be unhappy. They wanted a good life for him because they knew how cruel life could be. But making a boy become a person that he is not as cruel also, so they let him be, for now, hoping that the adolescence phase will finally start and take charge of his life.

Jin didn't have friends, since the ones he would meet, usually left him after a while, and went in search of other, more mature people. The children also refused to play with him since they found it weird for a grown boy to play with them. Jin was sad and lonely and he didn't know why.

One day, when he was sitting at the park, playing games on his phone, he met a very beautiful and charismatic young boy - Taehuyng. It was Taehyung who first approached, drawn by Jin's beauty and introduced himself politely, with a huge box smile on his face. Jin liked him right away, it was so easy to talk to Taehyung. It was like they knew each other their entire lives. 

Soon they discovered that they are very similar in many ways and that they both love to play, even though Jin was three years his senior. They became friends quickly and had a lot of fun together. They would run, dance, laugh, sing along and play video games all day long and the fact that Tae was at times childish, suited Jin, who, for the first time in his life, had a friend.

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