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A year pass since that day and everything was different for Jin. His life changed drastically after he got out of the hospital. He almost laughed after he was discharged because his parents were so surprised at how maturely and responsibly Jin went through with everything. But in his own mind, he was through much, much worse than this. Still fresh in his memory were all the horrors he went through in his imagined "past" or alternative reality, Jin wasn't sure what to call it. He just knew that he got a second chance to do things right this time, an opportunity that people usually don't get. Jin was happy enough that he had the horrid insight into what might happen if he wasn't careful enough and was thankful for that every single day. He got out of the hospital as a 16-year-old self again, something that he would have to get used to, but he held Tae's hand in his and everything was much easier.

Tae had no idea why his best friend changed towards him that much, but Jin was acting more protective and supportive of him than ever. Jin took his Hyung position more seriously and everyone was truly pleasantly surprised. 

Jin became a great student too. A high school President and a person everyone wants to be friends with. His parents were so proud of him. He was charming, outspoken, polite, and smart, but with an odd sense of humour. He loved telling jokes that no one understood or laughed at, except himself, sometimes Tae and one or two lost souls that were of similar humour themselves, but no one really mind, because he was considered one of the popular kids and this quirkiness of his, was acceptable. His beauty and handsome body made him desirable to almost all the girls and even, secretly, some of the boys. Jin knew that and was on the edge of using that several times, but his future plans were planned carefully and he followed them through and through.

His sexual needs though, which he got used to being fulfilled in his alternative life were causing him serious troubles now, especially now because he was a virgin again. He preferred calling his "past" experience that way, instead of a coma or a dream because it felt more real to him than anything, so he opt for the alternative life. The frustration was serious and he felt purring urges several times to act upon his desires. Jin waited though, refusing girls and boys, older and younger. With his face, body and altitude, Jin could have them all, but he waited. He knew none of them could satisfy his needs. 

Jin laughed secretly, that he is the only virgin who knows exactly what sex feels like and what he wants from it. Ah, where is Mingyu now when you need him? But seriously, where was Mingyu? Was he still with Yoongi and Hoseok? Did he meet his fiancée yet? He wanted to know, even though things now changed...Jin now changed. He had no idea if Mingyu would still want him now. Jin's thoughts were constantly buzzing and he already started to make plans in his head of how to reach Yoongi, Jimin and the rest of them....oh fuck, Yoongi and Jimin are not together yet...Jin hoped they will not go through the same shit again. What if Jin isn't here this time to save the young fool in love from burning himself and his apartment because Jimin got scared and acted foolishly by running away? Jin made mental note to slap Yoongi up front so no such crazy ideas would enter his mind....if he finds him that is...and he must...

So Jin started making a list, trying to connect the dots in gigantic destiny's web. He wanted to find all of them, to help them achieve the greatness they deserve. The first stop was Namjoon.

Since his family was alive and well now, Namjoon was still a happy and ambitious guy, a bit shy and still awkward sometimes, but with high hopes for the future. Jin was happy, but he waited for the opportune moment to introduce himself to him. He got his chance one day when they were both volunteering at the school library. The librarian introduced them and Namjoon smiled his dimples smile before bowing to Jin a bit. As it turns out, Namjoon wanted to meet Jin as well, since he heard a lot about him. They always saw each other in the school halls, but they never talked until that moment. They became friends quickly and pretty soon they were inseparable.    

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