Awakening - Ch.2

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A couple of weeks passed since that incident. Tae was acting normal and they spend every day together as if nothing happened. But something began changing inside Jin. The feelings he had from that day, started something inside him. Things he couldn't understand. He started sensing things he wasn't prepared for. His body, start to feel different. Jin knew he was physically grown, but he didn't know why his body, react in a certain and completely unexpected way. He knew that everyone around him started acting weird suddenly and was not the same after that. It was like disease caught them and changed them and Jin didn't want the same happening to him. He didn't want the change, he was happy the way he was. He got Tae, he didn't need anything else.

He tried to remember the symptoms others had, while he observed them. How stupid, loud and weird they became. How crazy the boys reacted around girls, acting like fools and strangely, the girls liked that, moreover they giggled. Ugh! He never cared for girls, they were always just girls, not easy to talk to, or play with, they always had to be in charge and Jin didn't like that. But Noona Mei was different, she was nice and beautiful. She was their neighbour's daughter, a few years his senior. She would always smile, ruffle his hair and told him how cute he was, ever since he was very young. She is at college now. She was always like an older sister to him, but when she returned home for spring break, something changed for both of them.

-'' Jinnie!''  - She wanted to hug him, but check herself and gave him her hand to shake instead, which he took, confused. Why won't she hug him? He thought.

-'' My, you changed Jinnie, you all grown up and so handsome. The girls must be crazy for you.'' - She said in a bright voice, her eyes running appreciatively across his face and shoulders.

Jin was definitely confused, his mind was full of questions. What is that got to do with anything? Why she's acting weird, so distant? And when did she become so beautiful? Maybe she always was, but I never saw it until now.

He murmured something which sounded like thanks and good to see you but then lower his gaze in sudden embarrassment. She laughed, remembering the loud, funny boy he used to be. She wanted to hug him, as she used to before, but understanding that things have changed and that the hugging might be a little inappropriate, she stood her ground. Still, Jin couldn't understand the sad look in her eyes as she watched him. Like she wanted to say something but decided not to. Jin wondered if she disliked the change that it's happening to him. Maybe, deep down, she still liked that small boy from the neighbourhood, instead of the grown-up one. That made him sad too, so he bowed his head, murmuring that he has to go and with a shy smile and wave, he was gone, leaving her on the stairs. 

When he reached his apartment he placed the palm across his heart, feeling it racing. He was sweaty and his pants suddenly became very tight. "Not again." He groaned in irritation. This weird thing started happening a while ago and even though it was pleasurable sometimes, it was mostly embarrassing.

Once he watched a couple kissing on the bench in the park and got that huge desire to do the same. Even though Jin was very attractive, he was considered weird, so people usually ignored him. Jin wished Tae went to school with him, instead to a private one.  He wouldn't mind the school and children in it so much if Tae was around. Without him, Jin was all alone.

It wasn't that bad, to be honest, people generally tend to ignore him on a good day, and his imagination was sufficient enough for him to have fun all by himself, but sometimes...sometimes...he wish he wasn't laughed at and bullied so much by other kids. Now, however, things had changed. 

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