The Process - Ch.8

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Jin blinked a few times as he woke up. The memory faded into a secluded but secured part of his mind. It was a painful memory, but he was glad it came back to him. One more puzzle piece. Namjoon. The man he truly loved. The feeling was so intense. Even though the memory of him disappeared, the feeling Jin had was true and strong. It was always there. Jin just didn't know what it was, until now. His face was numb and disappointed. Jisung was looking at him with relief.

-'''re awake.'' - He said with a huff, thinking how panicked he was just some minutes ago when Jin collapsed in his arms. The said man wore a confused look at first, but as his memory catch up with him, his eyes became sad. 

Jisung sighed deeply, a knowing look on his face told Jin that he understood. He knew what that expression means. Another memory flashes, but not so pleasant this time.

-''  What was it this time?'' - The tattooed man asked quietly like he was afraid of startling Jin if he use a bigger volume. Jin looks at him.

 Jin looks at him

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-'' Namjoon.'' - Jin said, the sadness in his tone made Jisung turn the corners of his mouth compassionately downwards.

-'' How?''

Jin sighs and then chuckles without humour. -'' I remembered some painful things that occurred before my father...'' - He nearly choked again, but composed himself, taking a deep breath. - ''...when he...when he caught us.''

Jisung sighed.

-'' Did you and Joon have had a fight?''

Jin nodded. - '' You can say that.'' - Jin swallows hard. - '' I...umm...I might have been too harsh in the end, but...'' - He stops, thinking of what to say, but then just went with it. - '' But he hurt my feelings more.''

Jisung let a long sigh. - ''Did you two have had sex together?''

Jin was silent at first and then nodded.

-'' I figured as much.'' - Jisung says deeply in thought. - '' In a way, it explains your anger, for starters, then the amount of sadness and tears. If he simply rejected you, you will be moody and sad, but not devastated. I knew it was something bigger, more intimate.'' - He scratches his jaw, eyes still unfocused as he went through his own memories from the past. - '' I know how much you liked him. How much you wanted him. And, you were always prone to lust and boldness when you are hurting. It's like you've needed a physical confirmation that you are wanted.''

Jin curls into himself at that. Was he always this insecure deep down? Jin remembers how careful they were in the beginning, not wanting anyone to know about their three-way involvement. But Jin's pain and suffering caused them to cross the thin boundaries they placed and expose themself to the ridicule, scrutiny and disgust of society. It was a stupid mistake. The mistake Jin, now, utterly regret, but, he would never regret Jisung and Joy.

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