Butterfly - Ch.4

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Hoseok and Jin arrived at Yoongi's apartment only to find a bunch of people, neighbours and pedestrians standing in small groups in front of the building, looking upwards, with worried expressions on their faces. There was a cloud of thick smoke coming from a few windows of the building.

-'' What's going on?'' – Hoseok asked, while Jin frantically searched for Yoongi among the crowds with his eyes.

The buzzing sound of many voices rambled. – "Have someone called the fire department?!" - One voice called.

-" Yeah they are on their way!" - Came the answer.

-" Is there anyone else in the building?!" - The third voice wanted to know.

-"I don't know!'' - The second voice answered as well. - '' I pressed the alarm as soon as I saw smoke coming from 8D!" 

Both Jin's and Hoseok's eyes widen when they heard the number of the apartment.

-'' Sorry, did you say 8D!?'' - Hoseok asked the man.

-'' Yeah.''

-'' Yoongi!!'' – Jin yelled and started running inside the building, ignoring the protests and yells of the other people. Hoseok was on his heels.

It took them a while until they climbed Yoongi's floor since the elevators didn't work due to a lack of power.

The door of Yoongi's apartment was locked, but Jin could feel the heat emanating from it.

-'' Yoongi!!!!! Yoongi, open up!!'' - He yelled, feeling his eyes grow teary from the black smoke coming through the bottom of the door.

-'' Fuck! What are we going to do?! Do you think he is in there?!''  – Hoseok asked in a panic.

-'' When I left him, he told me he was going to sleep again!'' - Jin said frantically. -'' I don't think he left! But I pray that he did!'' - He said and turned to bang on the door. -'' Yoongi!!!''

Jin started hitting the door with his shoulder as harder as he could.

-'' I will call him, maybe he left!'' – Hoseok shouted, feeling his heart choking him in his throat. –'' Please pick up...please pick up... be out...be out... please, please, please...'' - He chanted while Yoongi's phone rang. -'' He's not picking up!!!'' – He shouted, tears brimming in his eyes, but Jin heard something inside the room.

-'' What are we...'' - Hoseok started, but Jin cut him with one loud shush.

-'' Listen...'' - Jin perched his ear on the door, bringing his t-shirt to his nose to protect himself from the black smoke.

-'' Call him again!'' – He said, coughing slightly and Hoseok obeyed instantly. A weak ringing sound within the apartment made ice daggers pierce Jin's body all over the place.

-'' No...no!!!'' - Jin wanted to cry from hopelessness. -'' Yoongi!!! Damn it!!!'' – He shouted and started charging at the door. One hit... two hits... three hits... he started hissing from the pain in his shoulder, but he didn't care. Yoongi was in there....four hits...boom the door crushed inwards at fifth, and Jin thanked his good reflexes because he stopped himself just in time not to stumble in the thick smoke that rushed out immediately, blinding them for a few seconds, tears streaming down their faces.

Jin squints his eyes, trying to see inside the room. -'' Yoongi!!!!'' – He shouted and coughed.

Jin pulled back to gain a better grounding.

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