4. First Day

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Monday came along faster than expected, I spent the weekend mostly cleaning the house, studying escape routes and secret passages in the areas nearby and trying to get new information on the Gray's. So now I'm getting ready for my first day of college.

I found a decent baby pink blouse with black leggings and black ankle length boots along with my glasses. I don't need glasses cause I have perfect sight but these are reading glasses with hi-tech functions. With the touch-sensitive button on the left I can hear the conversation of those I am looking at and with the button on the right I can scan the person for weapons and have the person's information displayed in front of my eyes. Yeah, you have your perks of being in The Organisation.

I have clearance for weapons in college cause they know about The Organisation due to connections. I shoot a quick 'good morning' text to my father and brother and leave for college.


As soon as I get to walk into the main gate of the college I see all heads turned towards me, I don't get nervous because people stare all the damn time. I just free my face of any emotions and confidently walk to the main office, get my locker number and class schedule. Having a quick look at my schedule I see the classes I have are: Business Management, Accountancy, English Literature and Economics.

Not bad. I make my way to my locker and get the stuff I need and then leave for class.


I enter the classroom and see everyone having the time of their lives. Some boys even turned my way and wolf whistled, to this I just flipped them off and occupied the seat in the middle of the room. I heard someone clear their throat, I looked up was greeted by a lovely sight. Standing in front of me was an extremely good looking guy.

"Hey, I am Alexander McQueen but I preferred to be called Alex. Nice to meet you," he smiled and sat down on the seat to my left.

"Hi Alex, I am Ashley Jones. Nice to meet you too," I politely replied.

"Are you new, Ashley? Ash, can I call you Ash?"

"Yes, I'm new and yes, you can call me Ash."

"Okay, great. Where are you from?" He asked

I was gonna say D.C. at first but decided against it and told him that I was from New Jersey instead.

"Oh, that's nice," after saying that he was staring at something behind me and smiling, so naturally I turned around and was met with a pair of brown eyes staring at me intently.

To my surprise, Christopher Gray was the guy now sitting in the seat on my right.

I swear he looks even more beautiful in person.

Okay, Ashley snap out of it.

Seriously though look at him, he looks like a freaking model.

Get your shit together before he notices you staring.

I am clearly having an internal battle with myself but I really need to get myself under control before I lose it.

Alex smiled and asked,"Hey, man. What's up?" I totally forgot I am sitting between two hot guys.

"Hi, Alex. Nothing much, what about you?" Christopher replied while doing some kind of handshake with me sitting in the middle leaning back so their exchange could take place.

Christopher chuckled at my weird position and expression.

That sound was incredible, I'd kill to hear that sound.

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