21. Come Home

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I was patiently waiting for Christopher to return with the two girls but, they didn't come back. I was even trying to discretely talk in the comms but, not even Lucas and Alex were replying.

My worry started significantly increasing when I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. Thinking it's Christopher I turned around to the face of the person I would've been happy to see any other day except today.

"Ashley? Is that you?" Cody frowned at my appearance.

I covered up by shock with a cough and confidently spoke, "Ashley? Never heard of her."

"I've known you my entire life, I know you're my sister," he scoffed.

I just heavily sighed, grabbed his wrist and dragged him out the back exit. When we reached I turned to look at him, he was dressed in a formal suit and looked like he were to attend a business meeting.

"Where have you been?" he screeched and snapped me out of my observation.

"Turn it down a bit, will you? Do you want to attract everyone here?" I snapped at him.

"I am not here to chit-chat with you. Where have you been?" he scolded.

"I've been busy. And I will be busy for a few days," I shrugged.

"The Organisation has been helping me look for you. We thought something happened to you." My gaze softened at his words as he scanned my body for any visible injuries or signs of distress.

"I am sorry. I am just-," I sighed, I don't know what to say to him.

"Let's go home. Dad has been all over the place, come back with me," he pleaded.

"I can't, I am so sorry," I whispered.

"Why?" Cody asked in confusion.

"Have you read the news recently?"

"No, but what does this have to do with anything?" he looked at me as if I lost my mind.

"I am a wanted criminal," I muttered, trying to avoid eye contact.

"What!?" he asked, absolutely shocked.

"Look, I know what you're thinking but I haven't done anything wrong," I grabbed his shoulders and told him while staring intensely gazing into his eyes.

"Then come with me. Come back home. Whatever it is, I'll fix it with the help of The Organisation. If you did nothing wrong then, we can get you out of it," he rambled on and pleaded with me.

"No!" I yelled out of frustration. "You can't help me, I'm in too deep."

"But-" I cut him off. "Cody, you have to trust me on this. You can't trust The Organisation. Don't tell them you found me," I begged him.

He furrowed his brows, "What are you talking about? Have you lost your mind? We can always trust The Organisation, even in times when we can't trust family."

"That is the toxic statement they have drilled into all of our minds since when we joined. You can't trust them," I tried to convince him.

"Ash, please. I can help you, we can help you. We'll get you out of it, whatever it is. Just, please come with us," he looked at me hopefully.

"You want to help me, Cody. They don't. Try and understand that. You have to take a break from them. Take dad with you, far away from them."

"I will not betray my employers," his statement was short but firm.

"I was sent here to find you, I did my job. I tried convincing you to come with us but, you're not willing to. I'll just have to take you there without your consent, I have no choice," he gave me a stern look.

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