18. Goodnight

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I was stuck in a room in the warehouse with Mrs and Mr Jackson along with their son and daughter. I had my eyes narrowed at them and Alex and Christopher were absolutely unaffected by their surroundings.

Who were the Jacksons? They were mafia operators with over-inflated egos and overconfidence high enough to be deemed lethal. They were 'important allies' and I was trying my absolute hardest not to punch one of them.

Their smug-faced blue-eyed blondie son was getting on my every last nerve and his sister just looked uninterested which made her unapproachable.

"Can you tell your side girl to stop glaring?" Lucas Jackson smirked.

"What did you just say?" I snapped at him.

"Oh, so she is stupid and deaf as well?" Mrs Layla Jackson obnoxiously laughed. Lucas and Anna just smirked.

"Good job, honey. Wonder which slum they got her from?" Mr Carl Jackson chuckled.

"I could eat a bowl full of alphabet soup and spit out a smarter statement than what you just said," I faked a smile.

Anna scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Our net worth is more than your lifelong earnings, sweetie."

"Oh yeah? Well just so that you know, I strongly believe your family tree is a cactus cause you're all a bunch of pricks," I hissed.

Alex turned red from trying to prevent himself from bursting out into laughter and Christopher pursed his lips trying not to chuckle at the scowls on the Jacksons' faces.

"Good one, girl," I heard a feminine voice behind me.

All of our eyes shifted to the owner of the voice standing at the entrance of the conference room and there stood a well-groomed Valentina Reed.

"Hi, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Valentina," she introduced herself while Alex smiled at her and the Jacksons just gave her the stink eyes.

She pointed at me, "Ashley, right?" Seeing me nodding she came over to me and hooked her arm with mine, "You are my inspiration from now on and don't pay any mind to them," she gave a disgusted look to the scowling family.

"Um, I think it'd be best if we have the meeting in the morning. You know, since we just attended the ball you weren't invited to, we are pretty tired. Good night," Valentina exclaimed and forced Alex, Christopher and I out of the room.

I sighed, relieved, "I'll forever be grateful to you for doing that. I would've carried out a homicide and then committed suicide if that proceeded any further."

Valentina chuckled along with Alex and Christopher. "Seriously though, where did you find these specimens?" I mused at the two young men standing in front of me.

They just looked at each other then shrugged. Alex motioned Valentina to follow him and so she did shooting me a quick smile before leaving.

Now it was just me and Christopher standing in an awfully awkward silence.

"Why did you have to kiss Aaron?" he glared at me.

"I did it for the mission. Don't be so fussy about it," I waved my hand in the air in dismissal.

"Don't do it again," he ordered.

"Okay, you are not my boyfriend and you admitted you aren't jealous, so why shouldn't I?" I smirked.

He pushed me against the wall such that I was trapped between the wall and his muscular body. There were sparks felt wherever he touched me, which made everything ten times more difficult for me. Heat rose up my neck and tomatoes aspired to be as red as me at the moment. I diverted my eyes to the ground and avoided eye contact as much as possible. My confident demeanour was replaced by shyness.

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