14. Party?

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"Do you have a dress?" Christopher barged into my room as I exited the bathroom just in a robe.

"Christopher! What is wrong with you!?" I yelled at him.

"Calm down, woman."

"Did you just-" I gave him a bewildered look, "Did you just tell me to calm down? Calm down while you barged into my room while I am just in a robe! Ever heard of knocking? I could've been naked!?" I ranted.

"I don't think you being naked would've been a problem, baby girl," he smirked.

"You pervert!" I shrieked at him. He just chuckled and shook his head in amusement. "How would you like it if I enter your room without knocking when you just got out of a shower?"

He smirked again, "I would like it very much. Besides, you won't really be disappointed at what you'd see."

I sighed and massaged my temple. He could be a really good guy at times but then he could also get on your last nerves and drive you insane.

He laughed amusedly and apologised which didn't sound sincere at all but I let it slip away.

"Now back to the topic, do you have a formal dress?" he questioned. My turn to annoy you, Mr Gray.

"Why do you plan on changing your gender?" I smirked when his smile dropped.

"Just answer the damn question."

"If I don't have a dress will you take me for shopping even when we're wanted?"

He narrowed his eyes at me and I laughed, "Yes, I do. What do you need it for?"

"You'll find out."

I just crossed my arms and stood there expectantly waiting for an answer. He sighed and mumbled something.

"I am sorry, I didn't get that," I pestered. I can surely be persistent.

"We are going to a party," he spoke clearly this time.

My jaw dropped and I gave him an 'are-you-kidding' look. When he did not say it was a joke I voiced my internal intelligence, "What part of the concept of 'being in hiding' are you having trouble to grasp?"

When he did not reply I further continued, "When you are wanted you are not supposed to get wasted at parties and have the time of your life."

"We are going for mission purposes. We got some intel about my father having a meeting with his business associates in this fancy party which is where he plans on killing them to expand his business by taking over theirs," he spoke dryly.

"What am I supposed to do there?" I questioned. To this, he just clenches his jaw and angrily mutters, "Seduce one of his shareholders, get an entry in the conference room and get intel."

Is that jealousy I sense in his voice? Nevermind.

"And what are you gonna do there?" I asked curiously.

"After you finish, the both of us are gonna make sure he doesn't succeed in killing anyone," he informs me.

"Anyone else who'll be joining us?"

"Alex for backup and keeping watch. And a few other guys."

"Okay," not the best reply.

"Okay?" he questioned. "What do you mean okay? You gotta give me a confirmation, are you okay with doing this or should I count you out? I don't want to make you do anything you aren't comfortable doing."

Aw, he is asking for my consent. I am probably not gonna be comfortable with flirting with another man but I'll do it for the mission. "Yeah, count me in. And thanks for asking for my consent, I appreciate it," I smiled at him.

In return I received his million- dollar worth smile and a quick 'get ready'.

I just looked at the ground smiled to myself and walked towards my still unpacked bags to change into something comfortable for the time being and then started looking for a dress. I am patting myself on the back right now because I was smart enough to pack a few dresses knowing I'd need them.

My room door was immediately slammed open and I retrieved a dagger from my pocket ready to throw when I saw the familiar face of the one and only, Alexander McQueen.

"Do you people know how to freaking knock!? This is the second time today!" I groaned.

He merely shrugged and once again worry took over his face. I felt concerned, "Alex, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

He just exhaled a loud breath, "There is a major problem, Ash. I need your help."

I made my way over to him and asked prepared for a fight, "Who do I have to fight? Did someone hurt you or Christopher? Some spy? Somebody broke-in?"

"What are you talking about?? What fight are you preparing for? I need help to dress up!" he exclaimed.

I let out a breath of relief, "You had me worried. Why do you need my help in getting ready anyway?"

"Because I am a disaster when it comes to formal clothing. Like you could wear a sack and look better than I would, that's how bad it is."

I grimaced, "Yeah, that's pretty bad. But turn that frown upside down cause I am gonna be a great friend and help you."

He smiled and high-fived me,"Christopher has some serious competition now. You are on the run for being my best friend!"

I just laughed and told him to take me to his room so we could get him ready. He happily dragged me there while babbling something about wearing a tie or not.

As we reached his room I saw a big pile of clothes scattered all around his room. I had a horrified look on my face and he chuckled and replied, "Don't worry, I am not gonna make you clean it."

I smiled and we went to look through Alex's closet. I don't even know why he has graphic T-shirts when he hasn't even worn them once.

30 minutes later (in SpongeBob voice)

"Alex! Yellow does not go with green!" I yelled.

"It does!" he argued.

"But only for Iron Fist, not for you or formals!" I exclaimed and he groaned.

"You were right. You suck at this. If I wouldn't have helped you, you'd probably look like a clown," I sighed heavily.

He just made a sad face which made him look like a sad puppy. And I can't stand sad puppies, it just hurts my heart.

I got up with a lot of determination and started looking for some good clothing in the pile near his closet.

I chose a clean white shirt with beige trousers and a light brown coat. I handed him the outfit and told him to try it on.

As he came out wearing the outfit I chose for him I gave him a grin with a thumbs-up. He widely smiled at me and hugged me.

I hugged back and then pulled away still smiling. I feel like he is my younger brother and I ought to protect him.

"Gotta go, I too need to get ready. You know, the usual, making people's jaw drop as I walk past them," I flipped my hair dramatically.

He just laughed and encouraged, "Yeah, make Christopher have a hard time keeping his eyes and hands off of you."

I furiously blushed at his comment and playfully hit his chest as he acts as if he is actually hurt.

"Get ready, doofus," I giggled.

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