29. Peace

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*6 months later*

I could hear the clattering of utensils over the chattering inside the cosy café. Young couples seated on love seats, staring into each others' eyes, shyly smiling and blushing as they held hands seeming to be unaffected by the noisy group of teenagers a few tables away, laughing and joking, creating a lively atmosphere. An old couple sat in the far corner, away from all the noise, bickering over small things and then laughing after apologizing. I was used to this scenario, it was my home, it was where I used to spend most of my day. Baking delicacies, surrounded by the aroma of coffee and watch people come and go, some living life to the fullest, some others a bit troubled and the rest always in a rush, like my old self but, not anymore.

After the dreadful incident months ago, I did what I had promised myself, I resigned from The Organization and denied all employment offers from government agencies and secret forces. I knew I am no longer capable of handling situations where lives are at stake and, it just wasn't something I could or was willing to do any longer. I needed an escape. Mexico had way too many bad experiences so, we moved to San Francisco. I bought myself an apartment while my family lived in a slightly less obnoxious mansion. I never saw Troy or Ethan again. Both of them just left, without a goodbye or see you soon but, that's okay. Everyone has a way to cope up, mine was a weird one too. I opened a café of my own and named it 'Delicate'. Aaron and his family shifted to Germany and got his sister into one of the best schools in Europe. Anna trained and became a tattoo artist, she is amazing at it and Lucas, this one is a shock, he joined the army. Alex and Valentina merged their family businesses and are now successfully running it together. I manage to talk to all of them at least once a month, even Troy. I just couldn't get ahold of Ethan, I haven't even seen his face since that night.

Natalie suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress for a while but, she is doing well now. Aiden was always there for her, to help her through it. They are getting married soon, I am happy for them, they deserve their happy ending. Natalie and I are really close now, I remember the day after the incident when dad took me to my house to officially meet my family, I was a nervous wreck.


My hands were clammy due to how nervous I felt, I absentmindedly fiddled with my denim as I felt my heart thumping in my chest. The car came to a stop and I gulped nervously. Dad kept a comforting arm around my shoulder as we advanced towards the big villa. I had a duffel bag hung over one of my shoulders and I was contemplating dropping it here and running away.

I quickly shook my head free of the absurd thoughts and tried to build up some courage to face my real origins.

I stopped after climbing the stairs of the big white mansion. Dad took a few more steps and rung the house bell. An old lady in a housekeepers outfit opened the giant mahogany door and a bright smile graced her face, making her wrinkles more prominent. She called out for older Mr Robertson and I saw two pairs of feet rushing down the stairs as I peeked from behind my father's tall frame.

I stepped back as I saw the older man I frequently saw in my dreams with the young woman I had saved the other day. I don't think they could see me though, as I stood two feet behind my father seeking comfort, their faces dulled as they realized only my dad showed up.

"She didn't come?" Natalie questioned sadly, the glimmer of hope in her eyes fading away.

I don't know what was my dad's expression but, I am guessing it must be a small smile. He stepped to the side, making me visible to two pairs of eyes that looked exactly like mine. Natalie gasped, tears sprung to her eyes as she made a mad dash in my direction and embraced me in her comforting embrace. It felt familiar and made me feel safe, the safe you feel in your mother's arms. Natalie's appearance always reminded me of mom and I knew she was my elder sibling, which is probably why I was subconsciously trying to seek comfort through her because I lacked a mother figure in my life. No matter how hard my father tried to fulfil the duties of both parents, I needed a mother figure.

She let go of me and I tasted something salty on my lips to realize I was spilling tears of my own. She held my face in her soft hands and ran her eyes thoroughly over it, almost trying to imprint me into her memory forever. She traced over the newest scar on my forehead I got during one of the hand to hand combats I had engaged in. She kept sobbing and I felt a deep ache in my heart seeing her cry, without realizing it, I reached over to wipe her tears and tried to give her an encouraging smile.

"I missed my little sister," she whispered as she squeezed me into yet another one of her bear hugs. She stepped back and that was when I saw Jonathan, my grandfather staring at me nervously expecting me to not approach him.

A happy memory flashed through my mind fueled by his presence and I mumbled almost inaudibly, "Pops?"

A blindingly white smile lit up his face and tears of happiness shone in his eyes. He hesitantly raised his arms as an invite to hug him and I didn't have it in me to deny the sweet old man his joy. I slowly stepped forward and embraced him, feeling more at peace than I ever could. My dad stood at the side, witnessing the reunion, wiping away a few tears he shed. We all gathered into a family hug and that day my faith was restored, faith in a happy family.


I still remember that day as if it was yesterday, it was one of the happiest moments I had experienced, and it was a refreshing one too after all the hardships I had gone through. After a few life threats and death glares were thrown Aiden's way as a warning if he ever dared to hurt my sister, I finally warmed up to him and he became a loyal friend. I knew he could be trusted with Natalie's heart when he was willing to risk his life for my sister months back. But a few extra measures never hurt anyone.

People flowed in and out of my small creation of heaven and I was proud to say I had accomplished this on my own, without any help. Even though everyone knows initially Pops had forced his employees to come here or bring him coffee from my café to keep my spirits up and make sure this doesn't go to waste. I had decided to find myself and I did. I belonged with my family. Even though, baking pastries and cookies and serving coffee isn't the best I can do, at least I am satisfied and happy. This is the safe heaven I created for myself to escape every once in a while. I still wish I had done things a bit differently though.

I had spit out a few harsh words to my brother but, I didn't mean them literally, I was in a fit of rage. I never intended to drive him away from us, I did not want him to have to distance himself from me. I was truly sorry and I wanted my brother back. Another thing I desperately wish I could undo was letting Ethan go. I loved him, yes. I still do. I was heartbroken when one day I dialled his number and he never answered. I called him every day and texted him but, then found out the number no longer existed. It would have been nice if I could say I was over him but, I am not. I still love him just as much as I used to, if not more. I still think of him and that too at the most random times. Painkillers remind me of him, heck, sometimes even water reminds me of him. It's just not the same without him and even though I am not waiting around for him to come back, I am just repulsed at the idea of dating someone else without a formal closure to end things between us, even though there wasn't a formal beginning of it.

I smiled brightly at customers whom I served and dug in the pocket of my apron for a candy every time I saw a kid in the café, it was refreshing to see how a small gesture could mean so much to such innocent beings. I was at peace with my surroundings but, not complete. There were a few parts of me that were missing but I'll live.

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