27. Attack

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After two hours of a drive with an anxiety-filled silence, we could see ourselves approaching a deserted industrial area. My curious eyes searched out the window, alert and observing, for any suspicious activity being conducted but, it was as if there was no trace of a civilization for miles. I couldn't say about the others but, I was jittery and agitated for what was about to come, which was quite unusual for me. I had always been very confident and calm about my missions but, I think because I knew one of my siblings was in danger and the fact that my supposed uncle was behind all the problems the whole time, was something which turned me into an angsty mess. Moreover, it was not only my family member who was in grave danger but, all of us had someone hostage under Ruth and Damien.

I have never faced any missions on such a personal level and never had I walked in blind like this time. Even though I know this is not the right time to be making such decisions, I think it'll be best if I leave my spying job, doesn't matter be it under The Organization or someone else. Some might call this a rash decision but, I had been thinking about this for a while. I am praying that everything will go well and as planned and then I could finally get to know myself, not as an individual but as where do I come from, my background and family. I cannot predict the future as such but, I am certain I will not be seeing my teammates for quite a while due to the simple fact that we will all need some time to ourselves after all that has happened.

"Hey guys, before we go and incase we don't make it back, I am sorry for anything I did to upset you. And thank you all for making these difficult days bearable and helping me throughout it," I quietly said and everyone looked at me and smile.

"Why are you being a pessimist?" Lucas muttered, somehow angry with what I had said.

I rolled my eyes, "I am not being a pessimist, I am just being realistic and addressing the current situation, which doesn't look too good to me."

Lucas chose to not say anything further and rest of the people maintained silence in the van as we seemed to approach our destination. The GPS signalled that we were at the location where our targets were and Alex gently pulled up behind the neighbouring warehouse. Everyone seemed to take deep breaths and pray for everything to go well.

After everyone got out and Ethan and I were left in the van, I avoided eye contact and mumbled softly, "Don't die."

From the corner of my eye saw a slight smile on his face and I proceeded to get out of the van but, before I could do that, I felt my arm being grabbed into a firm hold. I turned to face him about to snap when I was silenced by his lips. He pressed his lips against mine with undeniable passion, as if this were the last time we'd be seeing each other. I was mad at him but, for some odd reason, I didn't pull away. I lightly moved my lips against his soft ones and I felt him smile. When we ran out of breath, he pulled away and I fluttered my eyes open, still feeling the tingling sensation on my swollen lips. Wordlessly, I got out of the suspicious looking van feeling confident and slightly relieved. Well, I guess he noticed me fidgeting in my seat.

Ethan and I calmly and confidently walked over to the unguarded entrance of the abandoned warehouse. He kicked the door open leading it to almost breaking off its hinges. We walked in, the clicking of our boots echoing throughout the vast hall, almost making me believe no one was here. But the constant beeping and buzzing of the device in my hand assured me we were right where we needed to be.

"You wanted us, here we are," I announced loudly causing it to echo. I walked further and around the hall looking around for anything unusual.

Ethan rolled his eyes and said with annoyance lacing each syllable, "Come on, you have an army of men and you are afraid of showing your face to two teenagers. Didn't think you'd be such a coward."

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